The test was administered on Sunday (12 January) for 1,500 registrants; technological sciences were the least chosen, with 2.2%
The majority (43%) of candidates for the 6th edition of the unified indigenous entrance exam at Unicamp (State University of Campinas) and UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos) competed for a vacancy in the health/biological area. The test was administered on Sunday (12 January 2025) to 1,500 of the 2,820 people registered.
The candidates’ second preferred field of knowledge was human sciences (18.3%). Medicine followed closely behind (17.5%), along with engineering (9.5%), exact sciences (5%) and arts (4.3%). In last place was the area of technological sciences (2.2%).
According to information passed on by Unicamp’s (Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams), to Brazil Agencyin this edition, male candidates were the majority, by little difference. The proportion was 51% against 49% of women.
The people with the most registrations were Baré, Ticuna –one of the most numerous in the Amazon–, Tukano, Baniwa, Kokama, Tariana, Desana and Kambeba. The Atikum and Pankararu are also on the list.
With regard to the main age groups, candidates aged between 19 and 23 predominate (38.7%). Registrants aged 24 to 29 and those over 29 represented 24.4% and 13.7% of the total, respectively.
The tests, with 50 multiple choice questions and an essay proposal, whose topic could be chosen between the consumption of processed foods and climate justice, were carried out in 5 municipalities: Campinas (SP), Recife (PE), Santarém (PA) , São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM). The abstention rate, that is, candidates who were absent on the date and did not take the test, was lower than that recorded in the previous edition of the entrance exam. The rate went from 49% to 46.8%.
In response to the report’s question about the criteria for selecting the cities in which the tests will be administered, Comvest explained that there are three:
- greater presence of the indigenous population, which justifies the choices of cities in Amazonas and, previously, Dourados (MS);
- and cities that can bring together a greater number of students and ethnicities in a region, as is the case of Recife and Santarém.
Campinas is relevant for banking because it is the location where Unicamp’s headquarters are located, which can serve both indigenous people from the State of São Paulo and current university students who wish to change course.
With information from