Stardate: Sun enters Aquarius in conjunction with Pluto.
Esoteric astrology horoscope/Photo: Pixabay/Reproduction
ARIES (birth between 3/21 and 4/20)
Socialization is fundamental in this part of the path, because it will provide fertile meetings in future projects. Leave the house, even if it’s just to walk around aimlessly in the surroundings close to where you live. Socialize.
TAURUS (birth between 4/21 and 5/20)
The time is right to move forward, but although there are facilities that life offers, they will be short if you do not take the necessary initiatives to take advantage of them. Do your part and the Universe will do its part.
GEMINI (birth between 21/5 to 20/6)
Think carefully, think with your own formulations, and keep in mind that no one was taught to think, but to repeat what others thought in the past. So, realize that some of your opinions may not actually be yours.
CANCER (birth between 6/21 and 7/21)
Feelings deepen because your soul realizes that there are nuances that were unknown in relationships, and now they appear very clearly in front of you without, however, being able to do anything about them.
LEO (born between 7/22 and 8/22)
When you properly value the people you interact with, they return your cordiality with understanding attitudes towards any mistakes you may make. This is the best state of relationships.
VIRGO (born between 8/23 and 9/22)
The moment holds interesting potentialities, which are seeds of future possibilities, which would need to be properly cared for to germinate and bear fruit. Nothing happens without your help and effort.
LIBRA (born between 9/23 and 10/22)
Keep in mind the projects that make your heart burn with the desire to carry them out, because even if they are too big to fit into the next few days, it will still be possible to make some kind of approach. It’s great.
SCORPIO (born between 10/23 and 11/21)
Take this moment to review the steps you took that led your soul to here and now. This review will allow you to build a new start to renew yourself and invent a completely different path.
SAGITTARIUS (born between 11/22 and 12/21)
There is so much that could be said, but what is the point of telling truths to people who have become impervious to them? Better to put the violin in your bag and go to another environment, where you will be welcomed.
CAPRICORN (born between 12/22 and 1/20)
The resources are available, but they are not yet within your reach, which means that in the coming days you will need to move firmly, making your intentions clear. This way there will be progress.
AQUARIUS (born between 1/21 and 2/19)
Destiny is partly written, but that doesn’t mean it will happen without you taking any initiative. The destiny part is already written, now you need to write your part, approaching opportunities.
PISCES (born between 2/20 and 3/20)
Silence will be good company, prefer to keep your most intimate reflections to yourself, because for now they would not be understood by anyone, not even those people who are supposed to be friends.