Mário Cruz / Lusa
To finance the project, whose cost is estimated at 8.5 billion euros, ANA proposes to progressively increase airport taxes at the current Lisbon airport between 2026 and 2030.
ANA Aeroportos plans to open the new Lisbon airport (NAL), called Luís de Camões, in mid-2037, or, with optimizations to the schedule to be negotiated with the Government, at the end of 2036according to the initial report delivered in December and published this Friday.
In the report, published on the official page of the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT), ANA, which today received the ‘green light’ from the Government to move forward with an application for Luís de Camões airport, begins by highlighting that, based on the schedule provided for in the concession contract, environmental authorizations and the complexity of the works, “envisages the opening of the NAL [novo aeroporto de Lisboa] in mid-2037.”
However, the report points out “some possible optimizations of the schedule, which ANA is interested in discussing with the grantor”, which will allow “considering an anticipation of the opening of the NAL until the end of the year 2036”.
ANA imposed as one of the preconditions for the start of construction of the new airport validation by the European Commission of how any compensation you may receive does not constitute State aid.
The infrastructure will have two lanes and will be located in Alcochete Shooting Rangecovering around 2500 hectares, more than five times the area of the current Humberto Delgado Airport (AHD).
Initially, it will have capacity for 45 million passengers, reaching 52 million by 2062. ANA considers the need for a fourth runway to be unlikely in the future.
To finance the project, the cost of which is estimated at 8.5 billion eurosANA proposes to progressively increase airport taxes at the current Lisbon airport between 2026 and 2030.
While the new airport is not built, AHD, despite being saturated, continues to generate records. In 2023, it handled 35.1 million passengers, generating historic revenue and profits for ANA.