The municipality and GNR agree that Albufeira You are the victim of blind statisticsonde even the small disturbance, like an overturned trash can, cIt counts as much as a theft.
The 65 video surveillance cameras installed in Albufeira, in areas with the greatest influx of tourists, are now operational. The municipality now hopes to have more tools to combat petty crime, which both the mayor and the GNR understand is contributing “unfairly” to one of the highest crime rates in the country.
These are eyes on the streets that join those of the staff on the ground. They are 65 cameras at the service of the GNR of Albufeira 100% operational since the end of the year dafter six months of testing.
In a municipality that is the most touristic in the country, andIt is expected that, just by existing, are capable of deter petty crime. If that doesn’t work, will be a tool for detect instantly.
They are installed in areas with the greatest influx of touristsqwhich are also those that record the highest number of occurrences.
It’s the security forces’ latest weapon against the statistics that place Albufeira cas one of the municipalities in the country with the highest crime rate. Nine crimes per 100 inhabitants, na land where only 44 thousand live but it has up to half a million tourists.
Local authority and GNR agree that the Earth is the victim of blind statisticsonde even the small disturbance, like an overturned trash can, cit counts as much as a theft
With security playing out on the plane of perceptions,s new cameras awaited for six yearswill at least reinforce the perception of surveillance.