Anca Dimancea, about the Chinese New Year 2025. The Chinese New Year festivities last 15 days and end when there is a Full Moon (more precisely with the Lantern Festival or Lantern Festival).
The snake is the symbol of wisdom, intuition, intelligence and prosperity. At the same time, the Chinese New Year brings change in certain segments of life, being an excellent year for starting new projects.
In the Year of the Green Wood Snake, the predominant colors are blue, green, yellow and black. In the Year of the Snake personalities such as: Nicolaus Copernicus, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Mahatma Gandhi, Bob Dylan, JK Rowling, Kanye West, Taylor Swift and Prince George were born.
Chinese New Year traditions
In most major cities in China, such as Hong Kong and Shanghai, there is an impressive fireworks display at midnight to welcome the Chinese New Year.
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At the same time, the Chinese prepare a lively and colorful traditional dance, which is said to bring good luck and is performed outdoors, accompanied by drums and cymbals. The dances are performed by a troupe of acrobatic dancers.
On the Chinese New Year holiday, the festive dinner is eaten as a family. All family members participate in dinner, where there are many dishes including fish.
The tradition of eating fish during Chinese New Year holidays comes from the fact that the Chinese word for “surplus” or “profit” sounds similar to the word “fish”.
Thus, it is believed that eating fish will bring wealth in the new year. Traditional dishes such as nian gao, mandarin oranges and dumplings are also not missing from the Chinese New Year table. Mandarin oranges are considered a symbol of good luck.
The color red is ubiquitous because it is associated with wealth and fortune in Chinese culture. Windows and doors are decorated with posters and red papers bearing lucky characters or phrases, as well as Chinese knots, kumquats and golden trees.
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All kinds of New Year decorations, red envelopes, toys, clothes, and bracelets can be found in Chinese markets. In Hong Kong and Macau it is a tradition to give flowers for Chinese New Year, the street markets are also full of flowers and potted plants. Orchids and peonies are the most popular because they are considered plants that bring prosperity.
It is customary to give gifts in the family on Chinese New Year. These are in the form of red envelopes with money. The older ones give the younger ones money.
Also, Chinese New Year is an opportunity to shop because it’s the biggest sales of the year, including discounts on spring season items that have just hit the shelves.
Chinese Zodiac 2025. Anca Dimancea, astrological predictions about money, career, love and health in the Year of the Wood Snake
Chinese Zodiac 2025 for the sign Snake. The Chinese New Year, also called the Year of the Wood Snake, will begin on January 29, 2024 and end on February 16, 2026.
The year 2025 is the Year of the Wood Snake, which brings a big plus for the natives of the Snake sign, especially from a financial point of view.
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Although there may be some unexpected changes at work, Snakes will manage to navigate through all kinds of situations gracefully. Flexibility and negotiation skills will help them strengthen their position.
The efforts made in the first months of the year begin to bear fruit in June. Started projects will take shape, and professional partnerships will strengthen.
In the early fall, hard work and determination will lead Snakes to the success they have wanted. Winter brings a period of planning for the future. Snakes will have the opportunity to reassess their goals and set new directions.
Chinese Zodiac 2025 for the sign Snake. Love
At the beginning of the year, Snakes may feel the need for more intimacy and deep connection with their life partner.
Existing relationships will be tested, and singles may feel the urge to find someone who understands their complexities.
Snakes will be more attentive to their own needs and those around them. Those who have gone through a breakup will need time to heal and rediscover their own identity.
At the same time, Snakes will have the opportunity to strengthen their existing relationships or meet special people who will share their values.
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Autumn brings a period of stability and harmony in family life. Snakes will feel the need to spend more time with their loved ones and create unforgettable memories. Joint projects and family trips will help strengthen emotional bonds.
In the winter of 2025, Snakes will reflect on their relationships and decide what direction they will take in their personal lives. Investments in personal development and relationships with loved ones will be prioritized.
Chinese Zodiac 2025 for the sign Snake. Career
The year 2025 is predicted to be beneficial for the health and well-being of natives born in the year of the Snake. Their vital energy will be at its highest, and intuition will guide them towards healthy choices.
At the beginning of the year, Snakes may feel the need to reconnect with nature and recharge their batteries. Outdoor activities, such as hiking or yoga, will benefit both the body and the mind.
Chinese zodiac 2025 for the sign Tiger. Money and Career
The Year of the Wood Snake can be one of significant challenges for the natives of the Tiger sign, marked by increased professional responsibilities and possible losses. Only the months of April and May will bring a breath of balance in professional life.
Optimism and curiosity will be the strengths of Tigers in 2025. Many of them will get involved in new projects or attend qualification courses. Delayed initiatives will be resumed and the Tigers will have an opportunity to focus on them.
The first part of the Year of the Wood Snake will be particularly demanding from a professional point of view, with overtime and a fast pace. However, business travel can bring unexpected opportunities.
From the summer, the financial situation will stabilize, allowing the Tigers to cover their debts.
Chinese zodiac 2025 for the sign Tiger. Love
The beginning of 2025 can bring turbulence in the sentimental life of the natives of the Tiger sign, especially for those who are young and at the beginning of their journey.
Until the summer, they will go through breakups and all kinds of dramatic situations, but from the fall of 2025, things will be defined, and serious relationships will take shape.
For the natives of the sign Tiger, who are already married, the Year of the Wood Snake is announced harmoniously. The partner’s support will be essential in overcoming financial or professional obstacles, and the couple’s relationship will strengthen.
Chinese zodiac 2025 for the sign Tiger. Health
Tiger natives, although generally energetic and resilient, should pay more attention to health in the Year of the Wood Snake. Regular medical check-ups are recommended, especially for women, who should pay special attention to reproductive health.
In terms of nutrition, Tiger natives should adopt a more balanced diet, limiting the consumption of fatty and fried foods. It is also important to monitor cholesterol levels and take preventive measures.
Chinese Zodiac 2025 for the Dragon. Money and Career
In the year 2025, those born under the sign of the Dragon will feel lucky. The Year of the Wood Snake will contribute to balancing the financial balance, favoring the growth of income and reducing the risk of losses. Investments made during this period will prove profitable, and debts will be able to be paid on time.
However, Chinese astrologers warn of potential challenges in March and April when some natives may face difficult situations related to property or inheritance.
In terms of professional life, natives of the Dragon sign who already have a stable job should avoid radical changes, especially in the second half of the year.
Chinese Zodiac 2025 Dragon. Love
The year 2025 promises to be a decisive year for the natives of the Dragon sign in terms of their love life.
The next period will bring significant transformations in couple relationships, regardless of the stage in which they are.
Those searching for a soul mate may encounter challenges, but patience and openness to new things will be rewarded.
Unexpected events could bring to light unknown aspects of existing relationships, giving Dragons the opportunity to strengthen their bonds or make important decisions regarding the future of the relationship.
Chinese Zodiac 2025 for Dragon. Health
Dragons should pay special attention to their health in the Year of the Wood Snake. In the first months of the year, there is a risk of diseases such as viruses and flu, which can be accompanied by fever and headaches.
Younger people will generally enjoy good health and abundant vitality. However, they too should adopt a healthy lifestyle based on a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
The Chinese zodiac is calculated according to the year of birth
The Chinese zodiac consists of 12 signs, respectively 12 animals, which according to Chinese tradition, appeared at the gathering called by the Buddha to say goodbye.
In the Chinese zodiac, the year of birth is taken into account to determine which sign you were born in. To find out which Chinese zodiac sign you were born in, check the years in the following rows.
Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.
Buffalo: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.
Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962. 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.
Rabbit (Cat): 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.
Dragon: 1916 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012.
Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.
Cal: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.
Goat (Sheep): 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015.
Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.
Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.
Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.
Boar (Pig): 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.