Elena Podzámska (52) was once one of the most frequently cast Slovak actresses. Viewers could see her in serials Panelak, Guys don’t cry, Condemned whether Second breath. The last one she played a more prominent character in the series Sisters. However, there is a reason why she did not appear on the screens for a long time, she revealed the details in the podcast.
The popular actress is now revealing more about her life than ever before and she is not afraid to be absolutely honest. She openly talks about the most difficult moments in her life.
“My daughter is 20 and I’ve been counting since she was born. This means that I have been treated for severe depression for 20 years. It started even before my daughter, my Radka, was born.” she confided in the podcast of Martina Horňáková, known by the nickname Moma.
“I didn’t understand it at the time, but when a person admits that he has it and starts working with it, it can be managed” Podzámska described events from her past. The well-known brunette realizes what was the cause of her mental problems.
“The media, the pressure, to win a place in the market, to be in the eyes, to function, fuck, hey. The huge uncertainty of these things on the psyche really does not help anyone. You are acting now, you are putting your insides, your soul into that character. So that’s about it. One thing is show business and another thing is art,” stated Podzámska.
The actress openly talked about the treatment she received she underwent in a psychiatric hospital in Pezinok and later in a clinic in Veľky Záluží. However, her struggle with her own demons was also complicated by people whom she did not personally know at all. She felt a betrayal for which she was not prepared.
“The only thing I was sorry for was that they misused it anyway. Family members of other patients, when they came during visiting hours, secretly took pictures of me and sent it to the media. It affected me gently, but I felt more sorry for my mother and my daughter.” Elena admitted. It was an extremely unpleasant experience for the actress, which affected not only her, but also her loved ones.