One of the most anticipated presences on the stage at Arena Pernambuco, in São Lourenço da Mata, on the last day of the celebrations for the 35th anniversary of , Father Fábio de Melo moved the faithful by revealing his battle against depression. One of the celebrities who participated in the White January campaign, the priest once again spoke about the disease that affects him and so many other people.
Father Fábio de Melo moved the faithful on the last day of the celebrations for the 35th anniversary of the Catholic Community Obra de Maria – (credit: Ana Dubeux /CB/DA Press)
On stage, speaking to thousands of people filling the space, he confessed that the last few weeks had been especially difficult and that he even doubted his will to live.
“I know the Lord is here and I know I will not give up. But I want to ask you for a kindness: that you extend your arms towards those who are suffering spiritual battles with me. They are flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. Here on this stage my heart is beating, my people, here on this stage are the people I have loved most in the last three years of my life. They are priests and are with me wherever I go. They love me, they give their lives for me and they are also suffering the attack of evil, and I want to renounce that here together with you”, he said.
He then invited everyone to repeat with him: “Lord Jesus, free our hearts from all guilt, all feelings of failure, all fear, all defeat, all depression, all sadness, all imperfection. Today we must proclaim the victory of the precious blood of Jesus over each one of us. I renounce the snares of the devil, the consequences of my sin, I renounce everything that could be an obstacle to the Lord’s action. I proclaim today that I am being born again…”
The Arena Pernambuco, full of people, almost collapsed. Everyone prayed and sang together. The priest promised to return on February 6 to release a DVD.
After the show, Luzia Santiago, from Rádio Canção Nova, hugged Father Fábio and also asked for prayers for him. “This is the pain of many families, of many people”, he recalled, adding that the founder of Canção Nova, Father Jonas, was always very authentic and spoke about the pain of the soul openly. “Praying and talking about the subject helps a lot”, he advised those present.