Lorina, Click!’s astrologer, comes with the full predictions for Monday, January 20, for all 12 zodiac signs.
Horoscope for Monday, January 20
Aries **
love – Your help is requested and you must put all your hidden talents to work to provide concrete support.
health – Go out and eat, join a site with yoga lessons. Do things for you.
Bani – You have to take more substantial amounts out of your pocket, but they are assumed and planned expenses. Enjoy your purchases.
Taurus **
love – Be open to your partner’s suggestions and even let him choose how to spend his free time.
health – You have good energy level, you are persistent. Nothing really stands in your way now.
Bani – You are enjoying a period of prosperity, but there is no need to wreak havoc on already tight savings.
Gemini **
love – It is advisable not to burden yourself with unnecessary information of strangers. You will feel most comfortable in the circle of friends.
health – It’s hard for you to focus on what needs to be done. You are confused, perhaps due to fatigue. If you don’t sleep well at night, I recommend teas, herbal tinctures to relax you.
Bani – You travel for work, run errands for bosses and are given small but numerous tasks.
Rac **
love – At first, the tendency will be to say No to your friends’ proposals for time off from home. They seem like syrupy ideas to you. Experience it, because you won’t regret it!
health – Respect meal times and don’t eat between two office tasks.
Bani – You experience rapid transformations and new doors open to you.
Leu **
love – Instead of struggling alone, give up your pride and ask your friends for help.
Health – Find people with complementary interests. You need motivation from those who follow the same regime for example.
Bani – Spend like there’s no tomorrow. You are making losses and reducing the budget rather senselessly.
Virgo **
love – Prioritize your own interests, not the other’s.
Health – Organize a movie watching marathon to get you out of your routine.
Bani – Don’t start businesses in areas or products you don’t know.
Balance **
love – Feel when you are being pulled by the tongue. Be detached, only respond to what you want to share. Don’t argue!
Health – Plan fun things with someone you love. Relaxation and socializing frees you from worries.
Bani – You want to help someone around you, but it costs you extra out of pocket and it’s more than you planned.
Scorpion **
love – Ask close friends for support to be there for you when you just want to be quiet.
Health – Do not exercise or meditate with the thought of seeing immediate and concrete results. Well-being is the answer.
Bani – Be present! Don’t take money out of your pocket without checking the price tag and receipts.
Sagittarius **
love – You care more about the cleanliness of the house, and those around you must choose a more suitable time to spend time with you.
Health – You charge yourself with energy through joint activities with family members. Actively involve them in everyday tasks.
Bani – What seems insignificant can become essential if it is lost sight of.
Capricorn **
love – Spend time with your partner and make plans for the future. See what changes are needed.
Health – You experience atypical symptoms and without a concrete condition. Be patient and don’t panic.
Bani – Shop around for informational purposes only. Do your market research but don’t buy big now.
Aquarius **
love – Working and getting results is what gives you inner comfort. Socialization becomes secondary.
Health – Schedule a routine check-up and don’t ignore minor symptoms. Untreated, they can turn into chronic conditions.
Bani – Invest in lifestyle, choose organic foods, go for walks close to home, even if it costs a little extra time.
Pisces **
love – You need to take the risk of sharing your plans and ideas with your family. See if ambitions find support.
health – The vulnerability of the skeletal system requires you to be cautious with sudden movements or too much weight.
Bani – You live with worries about the financial present, but without taking into account concrete plans for the future.