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It is the first time that a place outside Earth is “under observation”. But this “monument” contains 90 historical sites related to the presence of humanity.
“As a new era of space exploration begins, international collaboration is needed to protect the physical remains of the first moon landings and preserve these enduring symbols of collective human achievement.”
This is how the inclusion of the Moon in the list of monuments under observation in 2025 is justified.
The Tranquility Base, for example, preserves about 106 artifacts related to man’s first trip to the Moon.
“Objects like the camera that captured the moon landing broadcast on television; a memorial left by astronauts Armstrong and (Buzz) Aldrin; and hundreds of other objects are emblematic of this legacy. However, they face increasing risks amid acceleration of lunar activities, carried out without protocols appropriate preservation measures”, reads the organization’s website.
The Fund, created in 1996, has already contributed 120 million dollars (around 117 million euros) to projects in almost 350 locations under observation. This year, there are monuments in places as diverse as Gaza, Kiev, Paris, Angola, or even the Alcobaça Monastery, in Portugal.
The place, which receives half a million visitors every year, is protected due to its terracotta sculptures, as they are “vulnerable to current climate change. The low-temperature firing of terracotta, its hollow interiors and its layered construction make it fragile and especially susceptible to atmospheric changes,” the organization.
What’s fragile about them is what’s spectacular about them, according to the World Monuments Fund:
“They have a high degree of detail and a harmonious integration with the architecture of the monastery. The expressive faces, dynamic gestures, and flowing robes and hair of the sculptures are a testament to the artistic vision of their creators. These works are among the best examples of baroque terracotta in the Iberian Peninsulacombining technical mastery with its intrinsic purpose of devotion.”