One in Mato Grosso, gained prominence on social media. The crime occurred last Saturday (18), when a 29-year-old man attacked a supermarket manager with a shovel.
The establishment’s security cameras recorded the moment of the attack. Without any dialogue, he went to a shelf, picked up a shovel and hit the manager on the head, who immediately fell.
The manager was rescued and the attacker was immobilized by people in the supermarket and later taken to the police station.
See what we know about what happened
What happened
A 29-year-old man hit a supermarket manager in the head in Sinop, Mato Grosso, last Saturday (18).
How it happened
The victim was talking on his cell phone and didn’t even notice the attacker approaching. He entered the store, went to a shelf and picked up the shovel. Without any dialogue, he hit the manager in the ear area.
Reason for the crime
The criminal claimed that he hit the man in the head because of his wife’s frequent complaints about the manager. She works on site.
Fixed assets
Supermarket employees immobilized the man until the police arrived. He was taken to the police station and police are continuing with their investigations. He was accused of attempted murder.
The manager
The target of the attack, he got up shortly after the blow and suffered bleeding in the region. He was rescued by employees.