Although the Deliberative Council approved the admissibility of dismissal from office, the election was canceled last Monday night (20) due to the time; new date has not yet been announced by Corinthians
The counselors’ departure from the gymnasium was marked by much confusion. Supporters of Augusto Melo cursed Romeu Tuma Jr, president of the Deliberative Council. Rubão, former football director, and Andres Sanchez, former president, were also targets of offense. On leaving the gym, Augusto Melo stopped to speak to the press, generating great commotion. Supporters saluted the president while vehemently cursing advisors as they left the scene.
Augusto Melo was highly critical of Romeu Tuma Jr, calling the Council president a dictator and stating that he had no opportunity to defend himself. “With this guy in office, Corinthians will go to hell”, he said. Gaviões da Fiel, the club’s main organization, was present. The uniformed woman was concentrated on Rua São Jorge, behind bars placed by the police. They chanted against Romeu Tuma Jr. and former football director Rubens Gomes, known as Rubão.
“There will be no coup” and “Hey, you, I will end your life if the impeachment comes” were some of the phrases sung by the fans. The Shock Battalion reinforced security at the site to ensure order. Inside the headquarters, supporters of Augusto Melo wore a black shirt with the phrase “No coup here. 100% Augusto Melo.” Some club idols were present at Parque São Jorge, such as Dinei and Biro-Biro.
Voting was suspended for 10 minutes after the atmosphere got hot at the Parque São Jorge Gymnasium. Augusto Melo’s defense support had less time to express itself, starting confusion. There was an exchange of insults between Tuma and the Corinthian president. There was a second suspension after some of the councilors disagreed with the vote on the admissibility of the rite. The process was stopped and there was an anonymous vote in a paper ballot box involving more than 300 councilors to decide whether the meeting would continue.
Some of the people who were present at the vote complained that the air conditioning was off. Many of the older life counselors complained about the heat. The action was seen as a strategy for the elderly to give up and the vote to lose strength. Despite the meeting dragging on, there was no stampede For Augusto Melo, the impeachment vote violates Corinthians’ statute. This is because the Ethics and Discipline Commission recommended the suspension of voting until the end of the Civil Police investigations into the Vai de Bet case. The investigations are in the final phase and members of the black and white board of directors should be heard in the coming months.
The meeting was called by Romeu Tuma Júnior last Monday. This was the third date set for discussion of the topic. Initially, voting would be on November 28, but it was rescheduled after authorities cited a lack of security at the location. The members met again on December 2, but Augusto Melo managed to suspend the vote through an injunction, overturned ten days later by the São Paulo Court of Justice (TJ-SP).
*With information from Estadão Conteúdo
Posted by Victor Oliveira