Camelia Patrășcanu’s horoscope for the end of January 2025: The square of Mars – Black Moon puts us in difficulty in the next period. The phenomenon puts us in difficult situations. Both planets are passionate, greedy, they want things from others, especially since the Black Moon is in Libra. It is important to be tactful in relationships, meaning a little more patience. The aspect of squareness refers to close relationships, but it is also about the state of safety we feel in various contexts, according to
The tendency is to consider these days that we do not receive enough, that we are not given enough. On the one hand, because we have demands, impositions, on the other hand, because we enter into relationships that we don’t know how to manage, we don’t know how to impose some limits.
The sign that will have a difficult year. Minerva: “Let them be very careful about work and health. They have to choose carefully the people they will work with”
Because Venus is in gentle Pisces, we can avoid conflicts, even if we have a series of dissatisfactions in our relationships. Aries can have anxieties about the person close to them. They may have the feeling that I am hard to please, that I don’t know what to do to please them. They can be frustrated and feel like they are giving a lot but getting very little.
Taurus can have tensions in the love relationship. They feel that they are doing a lot, but the other is doing little. That’s why they can get discouraged and be tempted to abandon ship too, to look more outside the relationship or family.
Geminis do not have money for what they would like to do, for gifts, hobbies or investments. Many may be unhappy if they feel that gifts are expected of them. It can be a gift of services, presence, time, not necessarily something tangible.
Cancers have the feeling that no matter what they do, they don’t do enough or they can’t do more. Some are more concerned with the material things in the house and would like other comfort, others are more concerned with the relationships in the house. Instead, good things come from the exchange of words and subtle support.
Horoscope Camelia Pătrăşcanu: Virgos know what they want, but it is difficult to mobilize
Leos can have a sense of frustration because they didn’t have or don’t have correct information. Either they didn’t study enough and now they may regret it, or they need data and don’t know how to get it. I ask questions, but discreetly and don’t get too much out of people.
Virgos have the tensions given by fears about the future. They have some plans, projects, although the path is straight and everything is clear. It’s like they’re not happy with how much they’re mobilizing. They have the way, they know what they want to do, but it’s hard to mobilize. Here they have to ask themselves if the thing they want really suits them.
Also read Mariana Cojocaru’s Horoscope 2025-2032: Heavy karma in the next 7 years, few zodiac signs are exempt from worries
For Libras, the tensions may concern the feeling that they have very large responsibilities. It may come in the form of a higher function. The extra responsibilities make them sick somehow. They think that maybe it’s too much or that it has to be in a way that they really aren’t.
Scorpios can’t control things, even if they have the knowledge and the answer. They have the feeling that something is missing. It’s like they’re not all in their control, they depend on people, on timings, one stage depends on another.
Sagittarians have tensions regarding affective relationships, relationships of understanding with the group they belong to or with the group of friends. They may feel like they don’t really fit into these groups. Maybe they even attend some events where they know they meet people they don’t really like.
Capricorns have the tensions of common goals that may be lacking. We are talking about the relationship with close people, with the life partner. They need to be better listeners, to ask more relevant questions. Even if they have certain principles, they are not important, but this time the partner’s values.