Antonio José Seguro / Flickr
Antonio José Seguro
Francisco Assis had already spoken about an organized campaign against the former leader’s presidential candidacy. Lack of leadership.
One of several names that is a possible, but unconfirmed, presidential candidate of the Republic is Antonio José Seguro.
The former general secretary of the Socialist Party (PS) had been “missing” for practically 10 years and has now resurfaced. He has a commentary space on television and he admitted that he is ponder move forward with a candidacy for Belém.
O PS is that it is not available to align. At least, part of the PS.
Far from being a consensual figure among socialists (for several years), Seguro heard direct criticism from Augusto Santos Silvalast Friday: “António José Seguro does not meet the minimum requirements of a candidacy that can be supported by the PS and a vast field of democratic forces, because he is left with banalities. And we need more.”
Two days later, he reacted to these words from the former president of the Assembly of the Republic – without mentioning him. The PS MEP called for “elevation and containment”, recriminated reactions like these and fired: “There seems to be an ongoing properly organized campaign with a single aim: to prevent a presidential candidacy by António José Seguro”, something he classifies as “unacceptable”.
According to Ana Sá Lopes, Insurance “created hatred within the PSthere are a lot of people (within the party) who don’t like” the former leader. And being “away from José Sócrates and António Costa helped to monsterize it”, continued the commentator, on .
Bruno Vieira Amaral follows the same speech: “The PS is dealing very badly with the possible candidacy of António José Seguro. An important part of the current PS hates António José Seguro, cannot support António José Seguro”, and this is visible in public interventions.
The commentator believes that Seguro should present a presidential candidacy even without the PS: “But what is that worth to him? It certainly won’t be good, neither for him nor for the party.”
On the radio, Bruno focused on the party and asked if, for the PS, there will be some “less bad” solution“, leaving three possibilities: “Support Insurance, even if you don’t support Insurance; support another candidate; or not supporting anyone – these are all negative solutions”, he pointed out.
Fellow commentator Paulo Ferreira adds in the same program that, in Portugal, “the parties don’t know how to manage” individual candidacies for the presidency of the Republic. In the case of the PS, this process reveals “lack of leadership”since Pedro Nuno Santos “did not establish a strategy from the beginning”.
The newspaper reports that António José Seguro is in no hurry. If he is indeed a candidate, he will not confirm advancement in the near future.