To thicken the sauce, they often used egg yolks or roux. These are proven ways to achieve the desired effect, but they do not fit every type of sauce. Imagine thickened with egg yolk. It will change its consistency, but it will not be the tastiest. Especially when we want to use it, for example, for pizza. Reduction will work much better here. However, there are many more methods to thicken the sauce. You can use cream, coconut milk or butter. Below you will find ways to thicken the sauce.
Thickening the sauce by reduction
Reduction involves simmering the sauce to evaporate excess water and concentrate the flavor and texture. This process involves removing water, which increases the concentration of flavor ingredients and thickens the sauce. During reduction, water evaporates and remaining ingredients such as proteins, fats and sugars become more concentrated. This thickens the sauce and intensifies its flavor.
Thickening the sauce the way our grandmothers used it. Roux and egg yolks
A roux is a mixture of flour and fat (e.g. butter) that is fried in a pan and then added to the sauce. The roux may be light, golden or dark, depending on the frying time. Flour contains starch, which swells and forms a gel when heated in the presence of fat and liquid (e.g. broth). This process, called gelatinization, thickens the sauce. Another way to thicken the sauce, which our grandmothers often used, is egg yolks. They contain proteins and lecithin, which denature when heated and create a network that thickens the sauce. Lecithin also acts as an emulsifier, stabilizing the fat and water mixture. The yolks are mixed with the hot liquid and then heated over low heat. Be careful not to scramble the eggs.
How to thicken the sauce? Use cornstarch
Cornstarch is a popular thickening agent that can be added to the sauce as a slurry (a mixture of starch and cold water). This mixture contains amylose and amylopectin, which form a gel when heated in the presence of water. This process, as with flour, thickens the sauce.
The vegetable puree will thicken the sauce
Vegetables contain fiber and starch, which swell and form a gel when cooked, thickening the sauce. Additionally, vegetable puree adds flavor and nutritional value. Add cooked and blended carrots, potatoes, celery or pumpkin to the sauce depending on the taste you like.
Thicken the sauce with butter
Butter can be used to thicken sauces by adding it at the end of cooking and stirring vigorously. Butter contains fat and milk proteins, which, when mixed, form an emulsion with the liquid in the sauce. This thickens the sauce and gives it a creamy consistency.