Sagar Kadam, a base jumper known for his daring, recently shared a chilling account of a near-fatal experience during one of his jumps.
“This was the jump where I felt it would be my last. I panicked when I felt that my axis was changing and the experimental flip I tried was taking longer, making me lose altitude faster.”, he said.
The incident happened during a high-difficulty jump, in which Sagar attempted a new and risky move. The maneuver did not go as expected, leading to an uncontrolled fall that almost ended in tragedy. Luckily, the parachute opened in time, saving him from a dramatic outcome.
The moment, captured on video, went viral on social media, generating a wave of reactions. Many praised Sagar’s ability to regain control in an extreme situation, while others highlighted the dangers of this extreme sport.
This experience reinforces the risks associated with base jumping, a sport that requires a perfect combination of technique, equipment and mental preparation.