Miguel A. Lopes / Lusa
Chega’s deputy, Rita Matias.
“From the outset, a good motto is launched here: clean Lisbon of rats”. But who are the rats that Rita Matias was referring to last Friday? The deputy from Rio Grande do Sul made a point of explaining.
By rats, Chega deputy Rita Matias wanted to refer, of course, to “rats in relation to urban hygiene”, but also to “socialistswhich are sometimes more social-democratic” and yet another type of rats: “the rats that we don’t want to talk about that are in those 500-meter streets that have thousands and thousands of people”.
Let us be “more serious in the municipal management of security and immigration issues, the Portuguese will want us to talk about security, immigration, housing and mobility in Lisbon”, appealed the coordinator of Juventude do Chega, before the socialist Bruno Gonçalves, in face to face broadcast on .
“Who did you call rats? To immigrants?”asked Bruno Gonçalves, from PS. Rita Matias neither confirms nor denies: “these are interpretations”, but what is certain for the deputy is that “the Portuguese want a plane for immigrants to leave”, we hear in an excerpt from the debate, shared by an account allegedly affects Chega.
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And, “regardless of the data”, one foreign criminal is enough to justify investment in defense, believes the 26-year-old congresswoman.
“Chega’s problem is not with immigrants”the PS MEP later accused: “It’s with poor immigrants.”
“Chega’s problem is with the immigrants from Bem Formoso, not with the immigrants from Avenida da Liberdade. Every day Chega promotes elitist immigration against those who work every day”, said the socialist.
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