Horoscope Minerva 2025. According to the famous astrologer, most zodiac natives will experience personal and professional transformations. Basically, old desires and unexplored passions come to the surface. They will also experience career changes, in the sense that many will give up their current jobs to follow childhood callings or other passions. On the other hand, 11 signs will be endowed with clarity and courage, because unexpected opportunities will open up in the face of challenges.
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“With the exception of Pisces, almost all signs will strike in 2025 in one form or another. Now, don’t let anyone think that they are going to win a billion in the lottery, but many of us will suddenly find that we no longer want to do what we did, that they want to do something else, something they really like. Many of them realized that this desire was related to something from their childhood. Officers, prosecutors, judges, doctors who refuse to practice their profession”, said Minerva on the show “40 questions with Denise Rifai”.
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Here are the predictions sent by Minerva for the year 2025:
An extremely dynamic and eventful year. The door to personal transformation has opened. This is not the time to relax, he must be devoted to himself, discover his hidden talents and move on.
It is important that they change the way they approach things, be more open and learn to say “no”.
For these natives, 2025 is an ambiguous year because they have a lot of offers, a lot of good things happening to them. The problem is, they have to see it for themselves.
This is a sign for which 2025 will be extremely favorable. They will be able to deal with emotions, live quietly in their comfort zone and make detailed plans that they follow carefully.
Many opportunities and prospects for self-realization, regardless of the sectors in which they operate.
You may say that 2025 will be an easy year for these natives, but Virgos are used to work. They work from morning to night, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be a good year for them too, it depends on the decisions they make.
These natives should prepare for numerous changes that will affect absolutely all sectors of their lives. I wouldn’t say that all these changes are necessarily good, but I suggest that they prepare for them in advance and take some precautions.
2025 promises to bring periods that will keep them quite busy, extremely dynamic periods. Since the beginning of the year, the New Moon in Aquarius on January 29 will bring them new ideas and inspiration on a personal level, but also ideas on how to do business.
They will pass with both fire planets, Mars and Jupiter, retrograde in 2025. Jupiter is not always good when it is retrograde or in bad aspects. Be careful how you drive!
A very busy and dynamic time brings light to what is important to them. Many aspects will bring mental clarity, such as Mercury, which will stimulate communication.
They will experience various astrological aspects, coloring their lives energetically and uniquely. The end of January brings them opportunities and beginnings.
It will be a difficult year for them, which will bring difficulties in elections, financial difficulties, each having to adapt to their own conditions or the conditions imposed by society.