The mole digs corridors in the ground because it is looking for food, i.e. earthworms, small vertebrates, snails and insect larvae. It is true that it gets rid of many pests, but it causes serious losses, including: damages plants, even beds and manicured lawns. Moreover, mounds in the garden look unsightly. Check from your area.
The mole does not hibernate. That’s why he roams the garden even in winter. It digs corridors to a depth of 50-60 cm below the freezing level. It can dig up to a 15-meter tunnel.
During winter, the soil under the frozen layer becomes looser. That’s why this pest has a chance to find more food.
In case of a mild winter, its activity increases and it comes to the surface from time to time. This results in mounds that disfigure the garden.
As you can see, despite difficult winter conditions, the mole can adapt its actions to the changing soilstill remaining an active burrowing and feeding animal. It lives on average for 4 years and usually stays in the garden where it has access to food.
Moles are a partially protected species due to its important role in the ecosystem. That’s why we need to find a way to scare away these pests from the garden so that they don’t get hurt. For this purpose, it is worth using home remedies.
What products do we need to make a mole repellent mixture? Here is the list:
- 4 liters of water;
- 1/2 cup of castor oil;
- 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- a few drops of Tabasco sauce and mint oil.
Mix all these ingredients together and pour into the pest’s mound. Then we destroy such a corridor with a shovel or hoe. The mammal will quickly leave our garden because the smell of all these products will be very irritating to it.
It’s not just these smells that the mole cannot tolerate. Alternatively, we can put a piece of fish, half a lemon and a few cloves of garlic or even some cat or dog hair into its mound.
Additionally, in the winter, they may also be effective dried herbs, such as lavender or rosemary. The pest also finds these odors unpleasant.
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