During the ceremony, Orlando Morando did not take a position on the possibility of his speech inciting disrespect for safety protocols
The new municipal secretary of Urban Security of São Paulo, , made controversial statements during the graduation of 500 new metropolitan civil guards. He suggested that, in confrontational situations, agents do not hesitate to kill criminals, stating that the pain must be felt by the offender’s family. “Be clear that, if you are in a confrontation with a criminal, let the criminal’s mother and none of your relatives cry,” said the secretary. “Don’t be above the law, but don’t feel intimidated or below it”, he added.
Morando broke protocol by approaching the graduates, staying on the same level as them. The vice-mayor, Colonel Ricardo Mello Araújo, and the mayor also spoke out, reinforcing the idea that the Metropolitan Civil Guard should be feared by criminals. However, Nunes highlighted that, despite the tone of the statements, there are no plans for a more aggressive approach to GCM’s operations.
The role of the GCM is to protect public property, while combating crime is the responsibility of the state police. The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) determines that guards must focus on protecting assets, while the Federal Supreme Court (STF) recognizes guards as an integral part of the Public Security System. Recently, the São Paulo Court banned the use of rubber bullets and gas bombs by the GCM.
During the ceremony, Morando did not take a position on the possibility of his speech inciting disrespect for security protocols. “A criminal who rebels against authority is putting his life at risk, but compromising the life of a GCM. I’m sure I don’t want GCM’s mother to cry, it’s my personal conviction.” Furthermore, both he and Nunes opposed the implementation of body cameras, arguing that the city already has the Smart Sampa program monitoring system.
With the incorporation of the new agents, the Metropolitan Civil Guard now has a total of 7,399 professionals. There were 2,000 new agents trained in the last two years
*Report produced with the help of AI
Published by Fernando Dias