A 35-year-old man died after a trailer that was driven by his son, a 16-year-old teenager, hit the BR-116, in Medina, in the state of Minas Gerais. The case occurred last Monday afternoon (20/1) and the victim, the teenager’s father, was sleeping at the time of the collision.
What happened:
- A man died after the trailer driven by his son, a 16-year-old teenager, collided head-on with another similar vehicle on BR-116, in Medina, Vale do Jequitinhonha (MG);
- According to the PRF, the collision may have occurred due to the minor’s lack of skill, who entered the wrong lane. At the time of the crash, the father was sleeping;
- Found trapped among the wreckage, the teenager was seriously injured and was taken to a hospital in the city of Teófilo Otoni. The man died after the collision;
- During the incident, the PRF contacted the Military Police asking for support to prevent the looting of the transported cargo. Two suspects were arrested looting several bags of clothes.
See the video after the collision:
The (PRF) reported that the collision occurred around 6 am. The vehicle in which the father and son were traveling was loaded with clothes.
Also according to the PRF, the vehicle’s tachograph indicated that, according to the law, in a 24-hour interval, 11 hours of rest are required. The corporation reported that the driver of the other vehicle, which was still transporting automotive parts, was not injured.
Cargo theft
After the head-on collision between the two vehicles, the PRF called the (PM) to prevent attempted theft of both loads. During the accident, two men, one aged 23 and the other aged 45, were arrested for theft.
According to the PM, one of them was seen looting several bags of clothes and placing them in his own vehicle. The other was also caught red-handed throwing two bundles containing pants, transported by the victim’s truck, who died.
Authorities recovered the looted merchandise and seized the vehicle used during the theft. Both were taken to the police station along with the seized materials. The causes of the accident are being investigated.