A citizen of the world who loves the blind tests of the 90s, she is passionate about the stories of the heart with or without happy endings of French and international personalities.
No drama for Michel Cymes. The television doctor so beloved by the French had a problem and did not hide it. Quite the contrary! Far from showing himself diminished, he continues his activities despite using crutches and explains in all sincerity what happened to him.
Michel Cymes noticed on crutches: the star doctor explains his condition frankly
When one of the French’s favorite doctors is in a bad position, the worry is great but we can be reassured, if he is on crutches, his good humor is intact! Invited to the presentation of Romain Lachens’ book, From France which moans to France which wins. Our Olympic victory (Editions Fayard) at the We Are club in Paris on January 21, 2025, the PAF star made the trip despite a somewhat complicated situation.
Always as dashing and warm, Michel Cymes (67 years old) was one of the guests of the evening to launch the release of Romain Lachens’ book. The latter found himself at the heart of the Olympic reactor by being part of the Organizing Committee for the Paris 2024 Games where he led the Commitment: hundreds of ambassadors, 5,000 communities and 5 million members of the Paris Club 2024. During this evening, explained why he had to use crutches. “Because I find it nice“, Michel Cymes responded with humor initially, before specifying: “There, I have a knee prosthesis. A real thing that requires crutches.”
Michel Cymes fights against a sedentary lifestyle
Expert in , Michel Cymes will soon be recovered and there is no question of him not moving anymore because he has been struggling with a sedentary lifestyle for a long time. If he was present this Tuesday evening to celebrate this book which makes us relive the fervor of the Olympics, it is because he is himself a great fan of sport and the benefits it transmits. It is not for nothing that he was named health ambassador for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This position allowed him to raise awareness among the French about physical exercise in order to fight against a sedentary lifestyle: “Our objective was not, ultimately, to transform the country into a sporting country, although I think that it will do so thanks in particular to the exploits of our athletes.“, the doctor declared on RMC. The important thing for him is that the Olympics have a positive impact on daily life: “I think we succeeded in our challenge even if it’s a little early to say. We have at least succeeded in getting it into the minds of the French that not doing physical activity, I am not talking about sport, that is to say 30 minutes of daily physical activityleads to chronic illnesses and reduced life expectancye.”
So one thing is certain, nothing is stopping Michel Cymes from continuing to guide the country on the path to well-being!