Arroios Parish Council
Street in Arroios, Lisbon
Arroios Parish Council had warned that it was necessary to requalify the area. Locals didn’t know what work was going to happen… until 6am.
The Parish Council of Arroios had already announced in December that it would requalify some areas of the Lisbon parish, such as Rua de Arroios and the Mercado de Arroios square.
Increase pedestrian areas, install higher pedestrian crossings, comfortable pavement, plant trees, widen sidewalks and reorganize parking – to try to avoid constant second-row parking.
But, apparently, the residents did not know that the work would continue until… 6 am. Even, it’s not “from”. That is, the works are carried out during the night and early morning, right outside the houses.
And they are works noisy, residents assure. Videos broadcast by the show tractors making noise at 3h20 dawn.
“This was necessary but it is a shame that it turned into a nightmare. Whoever authorized them did not think about the residents’ rest. At 2am the windows in my house shook…”, reports a resident on one of the streets.
“I know that the works need to be done, but the schedule is not pleasant. To the nights have been hardit’s been a really loud noise”, says another Lisbon resident.
Other residents also applaud the works but complain that residents were not warned of work schedules.
The Arroios Parish Council does not react.
The Lisbon City Council, in addition to highlighting that the streets really needed work, ensures that it notified residents. And he explains that there are certain streets that had work done in the early hours of the morning to “avoid overloading other pathwaysnotably Avenida Almirante Reis affected by the General Drainage Plan construction site”.
The works began in mid-January and should end on February 1st.