Payment documents generated by Social Security Direct now have a longer validity period. The measure aims to provide “greater flexibility in payment management, in situations where you issue the document yourself”. This change is expected to facilitate the organization and compliance with tax obligations.
According to , and in accordance with Social Security, Multibanco references are now valid for five days (120 hours), instead of the three days previously foreseen. The change aims to give taxpayers more time to make the payment, especially in situations where the document is issued by themselves. This flexibility can be particularly useful for those with tight schedules or unexpected commitments.
Furthermore, Social Security Direct now offers payment documents with a defined deadline, corresponding to the contribution obligation. This means that users can make payments without having to manually generate new documents, making the process simpler and more direct.
However, for employers, the deadline for paying contributions remains between the 10th and 20th of the month following the month to which the remuneration relates. However, there is an exception for contributions relating to the month of July, which can be paid until the last day of August, regardless of whether it is a business day, without surcharges or penalties.
It is worth mentioning that INSS does not send SMS with references for payment of amounts due. Therefore, it is essential that citizens always check their current situation to find out if they have amounts to pay or return. The “Previdência Direta” platform and the “Previdência + Próxima” application offer resources that allow you to consult this information easily.
In the “Current Account > Current Position” area of Previdência Direta, users can check the amounts to be paid and returned. Furthermore, the platform allows you to consult or request active Installment Plans, if the taxpayer needs to split their payments. Direct Pension is an essential tool for managing tax and contribution obligations, making citizens’ lives easier by centralizing all information in a single place.
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