On Tuesday, the Czech police managed to identify the writer who contacted the Slovak hotline with the intention of harming someone. The information that an unknown person contacted the helpline operated in Slovakia by e-mail and threatened to harm someone was received by the Czechs yesterday after 10 o’clock in the morning.
“According to the workers of this organization, it was a mentally ill person who could not be ruled out as being capable of actually killing someone,” informed Czech police spokeswoman Pavla Burešová.
University staff were instrumental in the search
The police managed to find out that the writer of the threats is a student of the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. They contacted the university so that its staff could help them with identification, or by identifying the person who contacted the Slovak helpline.
“From the beginning, we were also in contact with the employees of the university and not only informed them about the situation, but we also participated with them in identifying the writer. Cooperation with representatives of the University of West Bohemia was one of the key factors in the later identification of the writer,” explained Burešová.
According to her, the Czech police officers also cooperated with the national unit of the National Center against Terrorism, Extremism and Cybercrime and used all possible means of operational investigation.
A mentally ill person wrote from the hospital
Police spokeswoman Burešová summed up police spokeswoman Burešová, who for security reasons focused on all premises of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, participating in the security measures, which were continuously coordinated by members of the operations center.
Her colleagues managed to gain a lot of knowledge based on operative-search activities. “Thanks to this information and its precise evaluation, we subsequently identified the person who should have contacted the Slovak hotline with the threat after about three hours,” the spokeswoman added.
According to her, the person in question was at that time and still is in a hospital facility, where he is hospitalized for his mental illness. “The case is being further investigated by Rokytnice criminalists, who established the legal qualification as violence against a group of residents and against an individual,” concluded Burešová.