O government decided to postpone discussion of the proposal that ends the anniversary withdrawal from the Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS). Even so, according to the CNNthe possibility of resume discussion by the end of 2026.
Sources interviewed by the report point out that, despite being the wish of the Minister of Labor, Luiz Marinho, the assessment is that proposals that have a great impact on the population are treated with more caution. Therefore, the bet now will be the payroll-deductible credit for the private sector.
During the 58th anniversary of the FGTS, the minister stated that he would send one to the National Congress by November last year – which did not happen.
At the time, Marinho stated that the text would include the end of the modality and the new payroll loan model. However, the discussion about the anniversary withdrawal has been paralyzed since then, while the debate about the .
At the moment, . The modality allows the worker to withdraw the amount they have partially, in the month of their birthday.
However, by opting for this modality, he loses the right to withdraw the full amount from the fund in the event of unfair dismissal – which is the target of criticism from members of the left, such as Minister Marinho.
After the decision, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) asked that when announcing measures that could cause problems for the government with voters.
In fact, the order is: before publishing any ordinance, decree or intention, it is necessary to pass the scrutiny of the Civil House and the presidency.
The birthday withdrawal is commonly used by people for one-off purchases, trips or even to cover unforeseen events.
Experts point out that the modality has two aspects: injecting more money into the economy, but that it is accompanied by a lack of financial education for Brazilians to deal with values in a healthier way.
In the opinion of technicians from the Ministry of Labor and Finance, ending the anniversary looting at this time is extremely unpopular and “very difficult” to advance in the National Congress.
In addition to being an unpopular measure, there is also concern about the election of board directors and the change of command that could change the pace of government approvals in legislative houses.
Consigned credit
The granting of loans to workers hired via the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) with FGTS guarantee is a measure with greater acceptance, assess the technicians interviewed by the report.
Currently, the beneficiaries of this type of credit are, for the most part, public servants, INSS pensioners and other groups with a stable source of income.
For private sector workers, especially those hired under the CLT regime, access to payroll-deductible credit is still limited.
Private sector urges caution
The Brazilian Chamber of the Construction Industry (CBIC) says it is “concerned” about the use of FGTS for the modalities.
The institution warns that there is a risk of “compromising” the sustainability of the fund and the financing capacity of popular housing programs, such as Minha Casa, Minha Vida.
“The entity defends the preservation of the collective character of the FGTS, essential to meet the housing demands of low-income families and encourage the development of the civil construction sector”, says the note sent to CNN.