Miguel Arruda, left
André Ventura wants the deputy’s mandate to be immediately suspended. “Let’s see if all Chega deputies become criminals.”
Miguel Arruda was actually created defendant for being accused of stealing bags at two airports.
The deputy from Rio Grande do Sul saw his homes being targeted by the Civil Police (PSP), who seized several suitcases and valuable objects, such as clothes and watches.
Arruda is said to have stolen suitcases from the luggage carousels of arrivals at airports in Lisbon and Ponta Delgadafor several months. He is now accused of qualified theft and against property.
The deputy elected by the Azores circle didn’t go to the debate parliament this Wednesday.
The newspaper adds that Chega’s deputy, when he was seen in the Assembly of the Republic with a very large suitcase – as if I were going to travel – after all I would be hiding the stolen bags inside. In full Assembly.
According to various media outlets, Miguel Arruda has already admitted the crimes during the searches – although he did not explain why.
Ventura demands suspension
The president of Chega, Andre Venturahad already said in the USA (where he was at Donald Trump’s inauguration) that he demands explanations of the deputy and ensures that there will be “consequences whether these explanations were not satisfactory.”
“There will not be an inch of compromise and we will demand the same rules that we demand for others, regardless of whether or not you are a Chega deputy”, highlighted André Ventura.
Ventura assured that he heard the news with “huge surprise a stupefaction” – and should meet today, Thursday, with Miguel Arruda.
Andre Ventura demands that Miguel Arruda suspend his deputy mandate nowadvance to . The other option is to loss of political trust.
“Let’s see if Chega now applies internally the metric it usually applies: looking at its parliamentary group and saying ‘they are all criminals’. As there is one criminal, they are all criminals”, commented commentator Paulo Ferreira on the radio.