Marcello Casal Jr. / ABr
A young 20-year-old mother was arrested because she allegedly tried to “kill her baby son”, who was just five months old, when he was admitted to the Pediatric Hospital of Coimbra.
The woman would have tried to harm the child twice and after being arrested, she would have confessed to “intention to kill his son”as stated in .
The first attempt would have taken place last December, when the baby was admitted to the Coimbra Pediatrics Intensive Care Unit, and was “tracheostomized, with a cannula to allow respiratory flow“, says the newspaper, citing the Public Ministry (MP).
In these circumstances, he would have placed “a lot of cotton inside the cannula, with the aim of stop the child from breathing“, the diary also quotes.
It would have been the mother herself who informed “the medical team about the breathing difficulties shown by the child”.
In the second alleged attempt, which took place on January 2nd, the mother placed “some pieces of paper inside the cannula, completely obstructing it and preventing the baby’s respiratory flow, causing him to have a cardiorespiratory arrest“, highlights the MP.
After being heard by the Criminal Investigation judge, the young mother was in preventive detentionwith “prohibition of contacts and suspension of the exercise of parental responsibilities”, the MP also highlights.
She is accused of committing a “crime of qualified homicidein the attempted form”, as stated by the Judiciary Police (PJ).
It is not known, for now, that reasons will have led the mother to this behavior.
A child will have “a serious illnessof the degenerative nature”, according to the .