Practicing physical exercise in old age is essential to promote muscle strengthening and reverse or reduce the risk of sarcopenia, which is the loss of muscle mass common in aging. This condition is common in the elderly due to factors such as hormonal changes, reduced muscle protein synthesis, physical inactivity and inadequate diets.
“However, it is important to highlight that the lack of specific exercises for muscle strengthening is one of the main factors [de risco para a sarcopenia]. When we compare people over 70 years of age who practice strength exercises with those who do not, we notice that the former have significantly more muscle mass”, says physical education professor Aurélio Alfieri, a specialist in exercises for people over 60 years of age.
This demonstrates that, despite the , it is possible to preserve muscles with adequate exercises, according to Alfieri. But, for this to be done efficiently, it is necessary to combine fun and safety, from your point of view.
“For people with balance difficulties, for example, we use a chair as support, and for those with more limitations, the exercises can be done sitting in the chair or even lying in bed”, explains Alfieri. “The most important thing is to challenge the body in a gentle way, with affection and respect for individual limits. This makes training accessible, safe and highly efficient”, he adds.
Benefits of physical exercise for the elderly
Heating engineer Hector Robbiati, 90, and his wife Esther, 91, take online classes to maintain an active routine. Retired 24 years ago, Hector says he started to feel better about his health.
“It improved our disposition, balance and strengthening of our legs, including my wife’s legs, who had a lot of difficulty walking and getting up”, he says.
According to the Ministry of Health, being more active in old age can bring benefits such as increasing energy, willingness, autonomy and independence to carry out daily activities, in addition to contributing to greater socialization.
Furthermore, physical exercise can contribute to aging with a better quality of life, with less joint and back pain and a lower risk of sarcopenia, a condition characterized by the loss of muscle mass and strength. O , common in old age.
Physical activity also helps prevent and control chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, as well as improving mood and sleep quality.
“Physical activity brings several benefits to the elderly. Among them are the improvement of physical resistance and cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle quality and performance, but also the control of glycemic levels and blood pressure. Furthermore, it stimulates brain metabolism, preventing memory problems”, details Rosmary Tatiane Arias Buse, geriatrician at Hospital do Servidor Público Estadual (HSPE), in .
What exercises can be done in old age?
According to Alfieri, exercises should put the muscle into action and generate enough tension for it to strengthen.
“Strategies include weight training in gyms or training with a personal trainer. However, for financial or geographic reasons, these options may not be accessible to everyone”, ponders the professor.
“In this case, I suggest exercises performed at home, prescribed by a qualified physical education professional. Modalities such as pilates, yoga, water aerobics and walking also complement muscle strengthening very well”, he explains.
The teacher recommends that activities be included, initially, two to three times a week, in 20 to 30 minute sessions, always at the same time to facilitate the creation of a habit.
“Consistency is more important than initial intensity. Small steps help the body adapt, and creating a daily routine contributes to motivation and long-term results,” he says.
With time and gains in confidence and conditioning, it is possible to increase the frequency of physical activity to up to four or five times a week.
“During classes, I suggest options to increase intensity, such as performing the exercises at greater speed or increasing the range of movements. For example, if an exercise causes knee pain, I recommend doing it slower and with less amplitude, always respecting the body’s limits to ensure a healthy and safe progression”, he advises.
Necessary care
Before and during the physical activity routine in old age, it is essential to undergo medical monitoring and follow the recommendations prescribed by the healthcare professional. Furthermore, when training, it is important to avoid sudden movements and try not to force your joints, adjusting the exercises when you feel pain.
Health measures must be observed before and during practice, such as blood pressure and heart rate.
“However, I understand that many do not have access to devices [que façam essa medição]. Therefore, I recommend periodic medical consultations. For example, a healthy individual over 40 should visit the doctor at least once a year, even without symptoms. For those with health conditions, the frequency should be in accordance with medical advice”, advises Alfieri.
“If you are up to date with your appointments, following medical recommendations and without experiencing any different symptoms, exercise can be started without excessive exercise. However, at the slightest sign of chest pain, shortness of breath or other symptoms, stop the activity and see a doctor”, he states.