The natural effects of popular herbs are well known to many, for example lemon balm for calming. But did you know that some of them are supposed to have magical properties? Our ancestors strongly believed in bad and good energy. They attributed misfortunes to the former and chased it away with various rituals, including: flax.
Do you have a home herbarium and are wondering what herbs should be planted there? Apart from the ones you use in the kitchen, they are definitely worth having lavender, anise, rosemary and linen. These herbs are said to have the power to ward off bad luckalready planted around the house or on the balcony, should improve energy – both due to the improvement of air quality and their magical properties. They are used when burning incense, sometimes they are also hung at the threshold of the house or under the bed, so that there is never anything missing in the house.
What to do when you don’t have the opportunity to plant and collect this type of herbs at home? In such a situation, it is best to buy dried twigs – there are many offers online, including crushed herbs packaged in several grams each. Additionally, rosemary seedlings are often sold in grocery stores. You can easily place such a flower pot in the kitchen.
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First of all, if you have a piece of herbarium or a place on the balcony, it is worth planting them near your house or apartment. These types of herbs, especially lavender, are quite easy to grow. After they bloom, they should be collected and dried. Dried twigs (each herb separately) should be placed in small cotton bags. Importantly, you cannot use bags made of artificial materials that do not allow air to pass through. This can block the magical properties of the herbs. Such an amulet with, among others, lavender should be carried with you, the easiest option will be to put it in a small compartment in your purse or briefcase.
How else can you attract money and good energy? It’s worth trying one of the rosemary rituals. This herb can be burned as incense to ward off bad luck. In turn, lavender placed under the bed is supposed to ensure wealth and good sleep. Slavs also hung bouquets of herbs in front of their houses to drive away bad energy.
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