From a botanical point of view, however, due to its use, we treat it like a vegetable. According to researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we should include tomatoes in our daily diet. Scientists have recognized them as one of the healthiest fruits in the world because they contain lots of antioxidants, especially lycopene, which is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. In addition, tomatoes also contain potassium, folic acid and vitamins C and K. However, it is important to eat tomatoes that grew without the support of chemical fertilizers. If we want to be sure that this is the case, we can grow tomatoes ourselves.
This is the best time to sow tomatoes. Prepare good soil and seeds
Tomatoes can be sown at the turn of February and March, but according to gardeners, it is best to do it in mid-March and no later than around March 22. Allotment gardeners who missed the deadline also sow tomatoes in April, but then there is a risk of poorly growing seedlings. Seeds are an important factor influencing the quality of seedlings. Old, dried out or damaged by pathogens will have limited germination capacity, and seedlings may be distorted and stunted, unable to bear fruit. Therefore, let’s buy seeds from a good source, seasoned and within the expiration date. The next point is the ground. Garden soil or universal flower soil is not suitable for preparing seedlings. Soil that is poor in nutrients, too dry or contaminated will cause disease-prone seedlings to die instead of grow. Therefore, it is best to buy ready-made substrate for seedlings. It is sterile and rich in nutrients necessary for plant growth.
Sowing tomatoes step by step
Seeds can be sown into boxes, pots or special containers, which we fill to the brim with soil. Lightly knead the substrate with your hand, then place the seeds – usually two or three centimeters apart. Sometimes one may fail to germinate, and if both germinate, we are left with a stronger seedling. Then we gently press the seeds into the ground by about 0.5 cm and cover them. Finally, lightly sprinkle. If we watered traditionally, a stream of water could wash away the seeds. We place the prepared containers in a bright place where the temperature is about 25 degrees C. When the tomatoes sprout, we lower the temperature to 19 degrees C during the day and 15 degrees C at night. Don’t forget to spray the substrate. The soil cannot be dry. When the first leaf of the seedling develops, the tomato needs to be pricked. We carefully remove the small plants (so as not to damage the delicate roots) and put them in a new substrate with more space. Each container should have a hole at the bottom, which will reduce the risk of root rot and fungal diseases. The seedling can be moved to a windowsill with access to southern light. However, you must be careful about drafts and do not forget about regular watering. Tomato seedlings are planted in the ground after the last frost, usually in May.