The United Kingdom’s competition regulator, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), launched separate investigations into Apple and Google this Thursday, 23rd, to assess the companies’ position in the “mobile ecosystems”. and consider possible violations of digital competition rules.
“Investigations will explore the impact on people who use mobile devices and the thousands of businesses that develop innovative services or content, such as apps for these devices,” says the CMA, in a note.
According to the CMA chief executive, more competitive mobile ecosystems can promote new innovations and new opportunities across a range of services, whether app stores, browsers or operating systems.
“Apple believes in thriving, dynamic markets where innovation can flourish. We face competition in every segment and jurisdiction where we operate, and our focus is always on the trust of our users,” a spokesperson for the technology giant told CNBC.
At 9:31 am (Brasília time), Apple’s shares fell 0.25% and Alphabet’s rose 0.15% in the New York pre-market.