Find out which of them are frequent sources of contamination and learn how to clean everything properly to stay away from germs
In our house, there are some utensils in the kitchen that accumulate bacteria and germs, due to frequent use, and many people are unaware of this invisible danger.
6 kitchen utensils that accumulate the most bacteria and you should be careful
1. Dish towels
Useful and necessary for almost everything, dish towels are functional, but full of bacteria. Thus, they absorb moisture and food residue, which ends up making them a suitable place for fungi and bacteria to proliferate.
2. Sink wheel
This utility is always damp and in contact with dirty water from cleaning other containers and food debris. Therefore, after using the wheel, wash it with soap and water and dry the rubberized part well. To help get rid of bacteria, disinfect it monthly with bleach diluted in a little water.
3. Dishwashing sponge
They are easy and frequent targets for germs and bacteria, as they are in constant contact with moisture and food debris. Thus, these two factors contribute to the proliferation of microorganisms that are harmful to health. To avoid this, place it in the microwave for 1 minute or replace the sponge every 7 days of use.
4. Cutting board
Yes, those grooves in cutting boards collect residue and moisture. Thus, this ends up favoring the growth of bacteria and germs. The ideal is to wash the board immediately after use with hot water and neutral detergent. To help disinfect, use lemon with salt or vinegar to kill these microorganisms once and for all.
5. Wooden spoon
Just like the cutting board, the wooden spoon also accumulates bad bacteria and microorganisms in its grooves in the structure. It is recommended to clean the item with lemon and salt or alcohol vinegar to kill these germs that appear once and for all.
6. Blender
Finally, an item that many people at home are a bit too lazy to clean. It happens that the blender accumulates food residue at the base of the blades and on the sealing ring. After use, it is important to disassemble and wash the removable parts with hot water and detergent.
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