First operation is scheduled for February 4; In December, five auctions were held, totaling $ 11 billion, and in January, two, which totaled $ 2 billion
The Central Bank of Brazil has announced that it will repurchase $ 17 billion over 2025, as part of its line auction strategy that occurred in November, December and January. During November, the financial institution promoted two auctions, totaling US $ 4 billion. In December, there were five auctions, totaling $ 11 billion, and in January, two auctions totaling $ 2 billion. The first repurchase is scheduled for February 4, when the Central Bank is expected to acquire $ 2 billion.
Then, on March 6, the purchase will be $ 3 billion. April will see a repurchase of $ 4 billion on the 2nd, and in July, the same amount will be purchased on the same date. In addition, in October, the BC plans to repurchase $ 2 billion, followed by acquisitions of $ 1 billion on November 4 and another $ 1 billion on December 2.
*Report produced with the aid of AI
Posted by Fernando Dias