Chamber wants to circumvent Padilha and discuss reform with Lula – 01/23/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The top leadership awaits the election of the new command of the House to negotiate directly with the president (PT) the ministerial reform, bypassing the person responsible for political articulation, (Secretariat of Institutional Relations).

the deputies do not recognize the minister’s legitimacy for the task. These leaders await the arrival of (-PB) as president of the Chamber to negotiate with the President of the Republic.

They also sent the information to Palácio do Planalto that they prefer that party presidents not be approached by the government, so that all negotiations are conducted by the National Congress.

According to reports made to the reporter, the leadership of the Chamber already has a design of what they would like to happen in the reform, with the rise of leaders to PT ministries.

In the deputies’ assessment, this new design, which has already reached members of the Planalto, would balance the relationship of forces with the PT and guarantee governability for the PT administration. Today, deputies feel underrepresented on Lula’s Esplanada.

In this plan, there is the departure of the current president of the House, (-AL), to the Ministry of Agriculture, currently headed by the licensed senator, from the PSD.

An ally of Alagoas says that Lira covets the Health portfolio, which he is in charge of, but recognizes that this possibility is remote, given the robust structure of the ministry. Nísia’s management is criticized by congressmen and members of the government itself, who demand a mark from her for her management.

Going into Agriculture would give Lira visibility. The leadership of the Chamber assesses that the government would benefit from this exchange because the congressman could create bridges with agribusiness, a sector in which there is still resistance to the PT administration.

Furthermore, he could curb the stance of opposition to the government of the Parliamentary Agricultural Front, one of the most significant forces in Congress, since the group’s president, Pedro Lupion (PP-PR), is an ally of Lira.

PP members also say that this movement could trigger, later on, the party’s eventual neutrality in the presidential election in 2026.

Lira’s appointment would, however, require changes in other portfolios, such as the possible departure of (PP) from the Ministry of Sports.

It would also lead to the dismissal of Fávaro, to whom Lula is grateful for his support in the presidential election.

In addition to Lula’s personal appreciation, Fávaro has been well evaluated for his dialogue with agribusiness. His departure would imply more changes beyond those already expected in the space occupied by the PSD.

A change demanded by the leadership of the Chamber is the departure of the leader of the PSD, (BA), to the Ministry of Social Development, currently headed by the PT senator.

Brito was a candidate to succeed Lira, after Hugo Motta secured support from a range of parties. He was considered the most pro-government name among the candidates.

Since the end of last year, the PSDB bench in the Chamber has indicated to the Executive that it does not feel served by the Ministry of Fisheries, headed by former deputy André de Paula.

In the opinion of the deputies, Brito’s move to the Social Development portfolio, which has programs such as , would give great visibility to the bench and bring political gains to the Chamber as a whole, since the congressman circulates well in different parties at the House.

Even though they maintain a good relationship with Brito, PT members resist the nomination of a name from another party for the portfolio, whose actions are identified with the PT agenda.

Another PT member in the eyes of the deputies is Padilha himself. His position is claimed for the leader of the MDB bench, (AL). Isnaldo is from the Lulista wing of the MDB, has good contact with deputies and senators and is one of the congressmen closest to the Minister of Finance, (PT).

Furthermore, he is a first-time ally of Hugo Motta and maintains a good relationship with (União Brasil-AP), favorite to take command of the Senate from February.

The indication of his name comes up against the fact that the MDB already has three ministries, occupied by (Transport), (Cities) and (Planning). It would be another member of the party to occupy a portfolio, being from Alagoas like Renan Filho.

In this design, there is no provision for the current leader of União Brasil, (BA), to move to a ministry. He was also a candidate for president of the House, he was considered the favorite to have Lira’s support in the dispute, but he was passed over — and, since then, .

União Brasil wants to nominate him for . There are also conversations about a possible vacancy at the (Federal Audit Court).

Despite Padilha’s exclusion movement, the minister has been informed of the congressmen’s recommendations and speaks directly with Lula about the Esplanada map.

His task is to present scenarios to the president for setting up the new ministry, based on the demands of the Legislature. The idea was that the plan would be ready next week to be put into practice immediately after the election of Congress.


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