The president of the São Paulo City Council, Ricardo Teixeira (União Brasil), and party leaders reacted to what was approved by the councilors and released a statement denying that there had been “excessive changes” to the city’s urban planning rules.
The case generated the first crisis in Nunes’ legislative base in his second term. Teixeira, had the support of several government councilors to publicize the reaction.
The project was approved in and received the support of 41 of the House’s 55 councilors. The text provided for the transformation of certain sections of the city, including the inclusion of a section of Avenida Pacaembu, in the west zone, into an area where the installation of a commercial corridor is permitted. In addition, it allowed the operation of small commercial and service establishments in a residential area in Cidade Jardim, a high-end neighborhood in the west zone close to the Jockey Club.
In a note, Teixeira says that the project respected the Legislative procedures and the legal norms in force. It states that the text was approved after carrying out technical studies “and respecting the guidelines of the urban planning instruments existing in the municipality.”
“To assert otherwise is to minimize all the professional work carried out by the Chamber’s technical staff, as well as the knowledge and decorum of each councilor’s mandate”, he says.
Teixeira and the leaders deny “excessive changes” to the planning and state that the adjustments were “complementary approved by the Chamber in a continuous and interconnected process, which began with the review of the Zoning Law”, debated in public hearings.
Furthermore, the note argues that there is no non-compliance with the Organic Law of the Municipality, “since it authorizes changing the city’s zoning more than once in the same year as long as, from the second amendment onwards, the Chamber observes the approval quorum of 2 /3 (37 votes) of councilors.”
The president of the Chamber also refutes the statement made by Executive technicians that the changes would result and states that the text was approved after “all segments of society were heard, focusing on the demands of the community and not of a specific sector, which This type of debate should always be the subject of discussion”.
“The Chamber fulfilled its role in the face of the complex urban challenges that the capital of São Paulo faces. The adaptation of the Land Use and Occupation Law is a necessary and urgent response to guarantee sustainable development and quality of life for citizens.”
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