Minister Gilmar Mendes, of the Supreme Court (STF), the. The magistrate has connected the idea to the size of budget control that the National Congress has achieved in recent years.
“From 2015, during the Dilma Rousseff government and Eduardo Cunha in the House, the previously proposed amendments become imposition. This has been changed to the PIX amendments. And it’s a weird, strange model. The parliamentarian participates in the execution of the policy But there is no responsibility. Isn’t it time for us to think of a semi -presentialism? “
The comments were made during the Switzerland on Thursday (23).
In the minister’s assessment, today there are distortions that need to be discussed. Gilmar Mendes defends the change at least since the government of the former president () in 2017. Temer took the discussion at the time, with the support of Gilmar e. Temer and Barroso were also present in the debate.
The current government model was evaluated by the 1993 plebiscite population.
“The president would have functions of eventual moderation power, as in Portugal, France, or other countries, but at the same time, would give Congress the possibility of electing the prime minister and there would be support for the government and participate. From this project. Today we are living this distortion, “said Gilmar.
According to him, a change of type should be accompanied by political reform and other revisions in the system. The minister recalled the discussion made by the Supreme that resulted in the ban on private election campaign financing, one of the topics that would deserve a new approach.
“I was a vote overdue and I still understand that it would fit private financing. Then he referred in this solution that has resulted in the increase in the electoral fund, in value today in the stratosphere. And often who dominates the distribution in parties is far from being A party advice. We actually created bosses that dominate this.
Business donations for campaigns were banned by the STF in 2015, in the wake of Operation Lava Jato. Investigations pointed out that in some cases contributions were made by companies to parties and candidates with the objective of gaining advantages in public contracts.
In the 2016 elections, the campaigns were fueled by donations from individuals and with money from the candidates themselves. The following year, Congress approved the creation of a public fund to play campaigns and reduce private influence. In 2024,
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