According to President Front Mixed Education, Rafael Brito, document will include all the information and benefits of the program to mark a position of ‘uncompromising defense’
The education bench of took a firm position in defense of the social program ““. The bench announced that it will present a letter to the Federal Court of Audit (TCU) to defend the continuity of the program. The president of the bench, Deputy Rafael Brito (MDB-AL), emphasized that the document will include all the information and benefits of the program, with the objective of marking an uncompromising defense position. Brito assured that there are no irregularities or embezzlement of public resources by the federal government.
“The foot is important. It has benefited 4 million young people from all over Brazil. It is a program that changes lives and will make school dropout fall to levels never seen before. Need the goodwill on all sides, National Congress, TCU, Executive Power, to this program, ”said the president of the Education bench, Rafael Brito.
The decision to send the letter to It appears after the suspension of $ 6 billion from the “PE-De-Meria” program by the court this week. In response to this measure, the Union Attorney General acted rapidly, appealing the decision and requesting its review. The government argues that there is no illegality in transferring resources and that blockade can impair the transfer to families and students who depend on the program. Rafael Brito pointed out that there is no climate of confrontation with the TCU, recognizing that the agency is fulfilling its inspection role and that, if necessary, the government will make the corrections pointed out.
In a post on social networks, Rafael Brito wrote that bench dialogues with MEC with AGU for a decision to be reversed.
Finance Minister Fernando Haddad has also spoken out about the situation, stating that the government is committed to finding a solution to unlock the blockade of “PE-De-Meia” resources. He assured that there will be no discontinuity in the program payments, ensuring that, although he is not personally negotiating with TCU, there is already a measure under discussion to resolve the situation. The government’s concern is to ensure that the beneficiaries of the program are not harmed.
*With information from Aline Beckety
*Report produced with the aid of AI