In the last editions of Big Brother Brazil, more precisely from the 18th edition with the departure of Patricia with 94.26% of the votes, much is said about rejection of certain participants.
Currently, the ranking with the highest negative votes is led by Karol Conká, who received 99.17% to be eliminated from BBB 21. In the same edition, Nego Di had 98.76% of the votes to leave the game, and VIIH Tube had 96 , 69%.
Before that, similar percentage had only happened in BBB 5, when Aline was eliminated with 95% by competing for the wall with Grazi Massafera, runner-up of that edition, won by Bahia Jean Wyllys. The rejection generated several problems for former BBB, who even had threats and had to change city to return to anonymity.
Nevertheless, the sister is always remembered in the news and has become known as Aline X9. However, one of the publications, made by the extinct EGO site in 2016, generated a financial loss to Globo, a group that the portal was part until the year in 2017. This is because Aline filed a process in which she asked for “right to forget” after being remembered as a most rejected participant until that time.
Former BBB Aline Cristina earned a $ 23,000 process from Globo. Photo: Reproduction
The former BBB stated that the report has once again caused problems in their personal life and claimed to have no more to talk about it. The lawsuit was reason at the São Paulo Court of Justice, which did not uphold the broadcaster that the news had absolutely informative tone and without any pejorative connotation
Given this, the broadcaster was ordered to pay an indemnity in the amount of $ 23,000, according to a decision granted in October last year. Now, after the execution of a judgment with discharge by the station, the action is in the process of filing after compliance.