The Federal Court in Paraná condemned eight people linked to the (first command of the capital) for criminal organization and the senator (-PR), former Justice Minister of the Government () and former federal judge in Lava Jato.
The sentence, with 241 pages, was signed on Tuesday (21) by substitute judge Sandra Regina Soares, from the 9th Federal Court of Curitiba, under one, launched in March 2023 by.
In a publication on a social network on Thursday (23), Moro released an excerpt from the sentence, thanked the authorities and stated that “the PF’s mastermind and the investigation of the crime and investigation needs to continue with this goal.”
“I will request measures in this regard to the Minister of Justice. We will not bend to criminals. I will continue in the Senate, defending law, order and severe penalties against organized crime,” he wrote.
The complaint of the Federal Prosecutor was upheld by the Federal Court in May 2023. Among the 13 accused, three were acquitted and two others died in prison.
According to the MPF, in the exchanges of messages among the accused, Moro was called “Tokio” and the code for the word “kidnapping” was “Flamengo”.
The investigators began the investigation based on the testimony of a former CCP member who became a protected witness from the São Paulo courts. It was he who reported Moro’s kidnapping plan, later taken to PF investigators.
According to the MPF’s complaint, the kidnapping plan was related to measures adopted by Moro at the time he was Minister of Justice, as “the transfer of leaders from the Capital First Command First Command to federal maximum security prisons, well as the prohibition of intimate visits in these prisons, to avoid the transmission of high hierarchy orders. “
In the sentence, the judge mentions that the criminal faction intended to bargain the release or return of the main boss of the CCP, Marco Willians Herbas Camacho, known as Marcola, to the Paulista Penitentiary System.
Marcola F in February 2019. Months later, he went to a federal unit in Rondônia. In 2024, he returned to the federal capital.
The group would have started organizing the kidnapping plan in May 2022. Investigations pointed out that CCP members monitored places that Moro attended. One of the addresses was the club in Curitiba where today Senator votes – the kidnapping would occur on the date of the second round of
According to the MPF, the criminals did not achieve the intended result “by circumstances alien to the wills of the members of the organization, specifically due to the discovery of fraud in the location of the apartment located in Curitiba, and the warning that such fact would be communicated to the police” .
Defendant Janeferson Aparecido Mariano Gomes, who was appointed by the MPF as leader of the denounced group, was. In the sentence, the judge informs that he was killed by other members of the CCP within Penitentiary 2 of President Venceslau, in the interior of São Paulo.
She adds that the main hypothesis is that the defendant was killed precisely because she failed in the kidnapping plan. Another arrested defendant was also murdered by the CCP, Reginaldo de Oliveira de Sousa.
According to the MPF, Janeferson belonged to a restricted CCP cell called “restricted tune.” The subdivision would be responsible for enforcing actions against security agents, members of the judiciary and politicians.
Last year, in the statement he even gave to the Federal Court, Janeferson said he went to Curitiba to make a political protest and that the facts narrated in the complaint were not true.
All other defendants also denied the accusations in their statements: Claudinei Gomes Carias, Franklin da Silva Correa, Herick da Silva Soares, Cintia Aparecida Pinheiro Melesqui, Aline Arndt Ferri, Aline de Lima Paixão, Oscalina Lima Graciote and Hemilly Adriane Mathias Abrantes.
Among the defendants, the biggest penalty reaches almost 15 years in prison. The eight were convicted of criminal organization crimes and attempted extortion by kidnapping except Hemilly, sentenced only by criminal organization. She and the other four convicted women can appeal in freedom.
“The probative set in the case file shows, unequivocally, that the criminal organization maintained a logistics structure in the city of Curitiba, supported by the rental of real estate used as support bases (…) to enable the planning and execution of the crime “writes the judge.
Three other defendants were acquitted: Sidney Rodrigo Aparecido Piovesan, Valter Lima Nascimento and Patric Uelinton Salomão. “The evidence gathered are not enough to support, besides the reasonable doubt, the conviction of the defendants,” said the judge.
The PF operation in 2023 that served arrest warrants to dismantle the criminal faction plan against authorities, including Moro, divided the government (PT) at the time.
The president and some close advisors stretched the dispute with opponents by suggesting, without evidence, one in this case.
“I won’t say because I think it’s another Moro frame. I want to be cautious, I will find out what happened. It’s visible that it’s a Moro frame,” said the president at the time, even after members of the petista government itself have exalted The operation done by the PF, which is linked to the Ministry of Justice.
Other allies lamented Lula’s statement and started an operation to try to correct the official speech.