Sánchez demands that PP and Junts rectify and: “they have to be aware of the pain they have caused.” The President of the Government has put all the pressure on the PP and Junts, who rejected the decree with the social shield and the increase in pensions. Sánchez has not made it clear how the Government will solve the problem, but he has pointed out that it does not seem like a good solution to propose a decree only with the increase in pensions, for example, because there are many more measures that are also important and have fallen. “Pensions are very important, but also public transportation, and evictions. There are many social measures in this decree that we negotiated with all groups at the end of December. We cannot have an opposition that causes social pain. Why instead of abstaining did they vote against? “They have to be aware of the pain they have caused with their rejection and reconsider their position.”
The PP has also tried to increase the pressure and has announced that it will collect signatures on the street and on the Internet to demand that Sánchez revalue the pensions after overturning the omnibus decree. The general secretary of the Popular Party has announced that the PP is launching a “parliamentary and social offensive” to urge the Government to urgently approve three royal decrees with the revaluation of pensions, aid for transport and those affected by the dana. The three measures “have the support of the PP so that they can move forward,” Gamarra stressed, although the PP voted against the omnibus decree that included them, arguing that the rule also included the transfer of the headquarters to the PNV. from the Cervantes Institute in Paris.
The Executive has in its power to approve decrees in the next Council of Ministers to recover the revaluation of pensions and transportation bonuses, which would come into force immediately and would have a month’s time for their probable validation in Congress. But in the Government there are different opinions about the timing and the way to respond after the blow suffered by the clamp between PP and Junts. Some advocate acting now while others prefer to wait for the idea to penetrate public opinion that the PP does not care about the consequences on citizens in order to wear down the Executive. The answer will most likely come on Tuesday, when the Council of Ministers is held, and it is already ruled out to hold an extraordinary one beforehand.
Resolving the mess is more complex than it may seem. The rejected decree consisted of more than a hundred articles and a very long range of measures: aid to those affected by the Dana and the La Palma volcano, tax deductions for energy savings in homes and vehicles, funds for autonomous communities and town councils. , the updates of the minimum wage and the minimum living income, rules for the new banking tax or to avoid takeovers of foreign capital on strategic companies, money for migrant minors in Ceuta… Isolating them all seems impossible. And then there are the requests from the allies on the left.