The fridge is essential to conserve the freshness of fruits, vegetables and foods like meat and fish in the freezer. However, cold is not beneficial for all foods. Some may lose quality, taste and texture when subjected to low temperatures. Here are some guidelines about what should not keep in the fridge.
Regarding avocado, you should only put it in the cold if you want it to mature quickly. If you store a still green avocado in the fridge, it will mature fast, acquiring a dark texture and an unpleasant taste.
Already the garlic should be stored in a cool and dry place, the opposite of the conditions of a refrigerator. Moisture and cold cause mold, making them inappropriate for consumption. The same applies to olive oil, which should be stored in a fresh and dark space. In the refrigerator, the olive oil solidifies and gains a texture similar to butter.
According to, potatoes and herd potatoes should not be stored in the fridge either. Put them in a paper bag, which allows for better air circulation and prevents rot. A cool, dry place, like a pantry, is the best option. In addition, it is important to separate them from onions, because when together they deteriorate faster.
Coffee, in turn, can lose the aroma and absorb odors if placed in the fridge. The ideal is to store it in a cool, dark place to preserve its essence. Similarly, basil can wither and absorb smells of other foods in the cold. It is preferable to keep it in a container with fresh water or freeze it for prolonged storage.
Finally, bread should be consumed fresh. If you need to store it, avoid the fridge as cold air speeds up the drying process. Instead, freeze it in slices, properly packed, to preserve your moisture. When consuming, let it defrost slowly and heat in the oven or tower it.
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