Oscar in the middle / Flickr
The commander will also have forgiven fines and intimidated and rectalized against subordinates who did not comply with the orders.
A former commander of the GNR Territorial Post of Armação de Pêra, in the Algarve, faces 11 criminal accusationsincluding abuse of power, persecution, coercion and denial of justice, for conduct allegedly occurred in 2019.
The now retired sergeant has favored suspects and threatened subordinates to ensure the compliance with irregular ordersaccording to the Public Prosecution Service (MP). A GNR cable was also accused of involvement in part of the episodes, writes the.
Among the accusations is the order of the former commander to Free a suspect of drug possession and return the narcotics seized to the residence where they were found. The patrol guards refused to comply with the order. The sergeant will also have favored the owner of an irregularly parked vehicle, ordering the car to be unlocked without immediate payment, threatening the military with disciplinary sanctions if they did not obey.
In addition, the former commander is accused of acting for revenge against subordinates who questioned his orders, including prevent a military man from entering the post and order a magazine to your room in your absence. The MP also reports that the sergeant would have threatened a hierarchical superior during a procedural diligence, a behavior that resulted in coercion imputation.
The cable involved in the case is accused of falseness of testimony and denial of justice for supporting the former commander in some situations described. Despite the severity of the charges, both military awaits the court decision and have not suffered disciplinary penalties so far. The cable remains in service in the territorial command of Faro.
The investigation also pointed out that the sergeant used his position to forgive fines and interfere with administrative procedures, benefiting third parties irregularly. One of the favored owners would have been encouraged to report false inadequate behaviors of the military who refused to comply with the commander’s orders.
The MP also called the Deontology Council of the Bar Association to evaluate the conduct of the lawyer representing the sergeant, due to statements made during the steps.