The Attorney General of the Republic, , requested the filing of an action involving the senator (AL) and businessman Milton Lyra, .
The accusation was that Renan had received bribes to influence the enactment of legislative measures in the port sector that would be of interest to businessman Richard Klien, from the company Multiterminais, between 2012 and 2014. At the time, Renan was an ally of the president (PT).
Gonet, however, saw no evidence that Dilma’s measures were influenced by Renan, nor that bribes had been paid.
“The police authority was unable to reach new elements related to Calheiros, leaving the initial evidence isolated in the records. Additionally, given the information currently available and resulting from the steps already taken, the initial evidence no longer casts the same shadow of gravity over the conduct of the investigated, depriving the just cause for continuing the investigation against the parliamentarian”, states the Attorney General of the Republic.
Gonet also states that “the issuance of a provisional measure is the exclusive prerogative of the President of the Republic, as stipulated in the Constitution”.
In October last year, PGR through Lyra, this time through the Hypermarcas group.
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