The coin treasure was buried around 55 AD during the reign of Roman emperor Nero.
A treasure of 1,368 coins, mostly silver, was discovered in England. They were buried during the reign of Roman emperor Nero. The reason why they were hidden continues, however, a mystery.
Was discovered in England a treasure with 1,368 coinsmostly silver (and one of gold), inside a pot.
According to the Museums Worcestershire, which welcomed the find, the treasure was buried around the year 55 d.C.time when the Roman Empire, led by the emperor Nero (Reign between 54 and 68 AD), struggled to control England.
“It is almost certain that Coins entered the region through the Roman army“, Says the statement, quoted by.
Although the coins were buried during Nero’s reign, some of them were coined before.
Except for one, all treasure coins are silver – A standard Roman currency, sorted between 157 BC and 55 AD.
A Treasury’s only gold coin It was coined between 20 and 45 AD for a tribe called Dobunni, which lived in Worcestershire and nearby areas.
Mystery behind the treasure
It is not known why the treasure has been hidden, but “one theory is that the treasure represents savings from a rich local farmer, who made money by providing cereals and cattle to the Roman army, ”the museum said.
At the time the treasure was buried, Worcestershire was on the border of the Roman Empire. This raises the suspicion that battles or conflicts in the area may have led their owner to hide it.
The Treasury was evaluated in 100,000 pounds (118.515 euros).
Speaking to Live Science, the museum has assumed that it is trying to raise funds to acquire the Treasury: “The fundraising campaign is going very well, people are being incredibly generous and it is evident that there is one True passion for the treasure to stay in Worcestershire“He said Helen Large, spokesman for the Museums Worcestershire.