The whole Acre is in a state of emergency, due to the advance of arbovirus cases, more specifically dengue, zika and chikungunya.
In 2024 alone, throughout the state, between epidemiological weeks 1 and 52, 6,031 probable cases of dengue were recorded – an increase of 13.3% compared to the year 2023, when 5,321 probable cases were recorded. At the end of last year, one person died from the disease and another death continues to investigate.
Mosquito Dengue Transmitter/Photo: Disclosure/Agência Brasil – Archive
Last year, Acre was the 13th state in dengue incidence in Brazil and the second largest in the northern region, behind only Amapá.
Last Thursday (23), the city of Rio Branco reported that more than 800 notifications of suspected cases of dengue were recorded in the last 15 days, which made the capital also decree emergency.
Eleven municipalities have more notifications, with Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Branco and Epitaciolândia the most affected. Among the suspected cases of dengue last year, 24 evolved with alarm signs, indicating risk of serious complications.
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A factor of attention has been alerting the states of Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Amapá, Paraná and Rio de Janeiro, as there have been cases of the dengue virus section 3, which has not been circulating in Brazil for 17 years. Acre, for now, is free, with only sorotypes 1 and 2 in circulation.
“It is known that the infection by the dengue serotype 3, when it occurs after an anterior infection by serotype 1, tends to cause more serious symptoms. And a significant part of the population without immunity for dengue 3 was recently infected by 1, ”says virologist Maurício Lacerda Nogueira, professor at the São José do Rio Preto School of Medicine (Famerp), in an interview given to Estadão.
The serotype 3 that circulates today in Brazil is a different lineage from that of the 2000s, practically extinct. According to experts, it is likely that she came from the Caribbean region, which, in turn, imported the serotype of the Asian continent. “The virus was imported. He was leaving Brazil and we brought him back, ”says Nogueira.
It is likely that someone in the region has contracted the disease, coming to Brazil and, here, was stung by a Aedes aegypti. “So the whole thing begins. And that explains how he reappeared, ”summarizes the infectologist. The variant was first detected in Roraima in 2023, and has since spread to other states.
As a new variant usually takes the space of the previous ones, experts do not rule out that the DenV-3 becomes predominant at some point.
“It’s a phenomenon of alternation,” says Fernando Spilki, a virologist at Feevale University and coordinator of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Genomic Surveillance of Virus and Unique Health. “The immunity that forms in one year can alter the spread of viruses that will appear the following year,” he adds.