The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will ask Donald Trump to explanations to the situation in which 88 Brazilians deported from the United States were transported in flight.
Group had to spend the night at Manaus International Airport. Photo: Reproduction
Itamaraty has classified the treatment of Brazilians as “degrading”.
On Saturday (25), Chancellor Mauro Vieira met with the interim superintendent of the Federal Police in Amazonas, Sávio Pinzón, and with Major-Brigadier Ramiro Pinheiro, commander of the 7th Regional Air Command in Manaus.
Pinzón and Pinheiro reported Vieira about what the repatriated Brazilians passed.
On Friday night (24), the flight with 88 Brazilians landed at Manaus International Airport instead of going to Belo Horizonte-Confins International Airport in Minas Gerais.
The plane landed in Manaus to refuel. However, during the procedure, he presented technical problems in the air conditioning, causing a riot principle among passengers, leading to the cancellation of continuation to Belo Horizonte.
The flight only reached Confins on Saturday night, after the Brazilian government makes available a Brazilian Air Force (FAB) plane to transport them. Four landed in Manaus, while 84 went to Minas.
Brazilians were being transported handmade by the US. In Brazil, the Ministry of Justice determined the withdrawal of handcuffs, classified by the portfolio as a “blatant disrespect for the fundamental rights of Brazilian citizens”.