The minimum wage readjustment has been valid since January 1, 2025 across the country. The 7.5% readjustment increased by salaries from R $ 1,412, to R $ 1,518. The increase has direct impacts on municipal coffers. The impact caused in the city’s coffers is R $ 9,517,354.00 per year.
For example, there is the Rio Branco City Hall, which already operates under a spending containment regime this year. In an interview, the Secretary of Infrastructure (Seinfra), Cid Ferreira, highlighted the measures adopted by the municipality to contain spending this year 2025, aiming at the control of public accounts.
Rio Branco City Hall/ Photo: Juan Diaz/ Contilnet
“The country is going through a very bad economic situation, and this is no different for our state. We need to pay close attention to the budgetary and financial execution so that we will not have problems until December, ”said the secretary.
During a meeting with the municipal secretaries, which took place at the spending limits stipulated by the city’s accounting. According to Cid Ferreira, the limits will be defined monthly, as part of a planning that seeks to ensure the sustainability of public accounts.
The weight of the minimum wage in municipal coffers
Ferreira stated that the city already has planning ready to deal with the situation, but admitted that additional measures will be needed to balance the accounts.
Secretary Cid Ferreira spoke about the measures adopted by Rio Branco City Hall/ Photo: Contilnet
“The City Hall will not fail to honor the commitments, but we will have to tighten more to meet these demands. The mayor has spoken since the end of the year we have to collect, we have to raise the hand brake in order to effectively serve the entire population and also the administrative machine, ”he said.
Possible reduction in personnel spending
Cid Ferreira indicated that staff spending cuts can be implemented in areas where there is a possibility of service through other alternatives.
“Probably yes, we will have to be shortened in these expenses, precisely in those areas that we understand that they can be served differently,” added the secretary.
Acre is one of three states with the lowest number of municipal servants who receive up to 1.5 salaries, with a total of 4,573 workers in this condition, followed by Amapá and Roraima.