Salary is no longer the main priority for Portuguese people when choosing a job. Now, workers prioritize a balance between personal and professional life.
This is the conclusion of the “Workmonitor” report, a study developed by Randstad Research on the job market in several countries around the world, including Portugal.
The main priority of Portuguese workers became balance between personal and professional lifewith 91% of them reinforcing this as the most important aspect when choosing a job, according to the report’s conclusions.
This value exceeds global trend which is 83%.
But the wage continues to be important, being a priority for 90% of Portuguese workers, the same percentage that is attributed to job security.
The salary falls from the first place of the Portuguese priorities due to first time in 22 yearsthat is, since the “” of Randstad Research is carried out.
A flexibility in employment is also an important aspect for Portuguese workers, with 24% of study participants, highlighting that they would leave a job where they didn’t have one.
The average rises to 42% when it comes to accepting a new job without flexibility in working hours. Worldwide, the average is 47%.
Overall, 39% of workers also value the opportunity to choose the place where they workwhether in the office or at home . This trend is more evident in younger generations.
25% would accept earning less if they had good friends at work
O spirit of belonging and community is also privileged by 46% of Portuguese workers who claim they would leave a job where they didn’t feel comfortable – the average rises to 55% in global terms.
In the same vein, 25% of the Portuguese would be willing to earn less as long as they had good friends at work.
E 29% would admit to lowering his salary if the work contributed more to his social lifewhile 31% would you accept earning less if your job gave you some contribution to societyor to the world.
The Randstad study also reveals that the skills development It is another essential aspect of attracting and retaining talent in the job market.
Among the Portuguese workers surveyed, 41% reveal that the lack of opportunities to improve their skills and advance their career would lead them to refuse a new job. Already 29% would be willing to resign.
Training in (IA) is the skill most sought after by workers, being mentioned as a priority by 40% of respondents at a global level.
49% of “Gen Z” workers only work because they need money
This year’s “Workmonitor” also makes a comparison between generationsrevealing that “” (born between 1997 and 2010) and “Gen Y” (born between 1981 and 1996) value well-being, flexibility and personal and social values more.
In older generations, “Gen
The study also notes that 49% of “Generation Z” workers they would stop working if they didn’t need the money. The percentage drops to 29% in the case of “Baby Boomers”.
Randstad Research’s “Workmonitor” was developed based on interviews with more than 26 thousand workersaged between 18 and 67 years old, carried out in 35 countries from Europe, Asia and America.