He started as a favorite of the 12th edition of with eight candidacies. Moments before the gala began, the Catalan director feared that being the most nominee could become a conviction: “Amps because if you leave with nothing …”. The filmmaker left the ceremony held in Pontevedra this Saturday with three awards, the same ones that took, at a gala organized by the Association of Cinematographic Informators of Spain, in which there were no clear winners, but there was a very distributed record.
a of the order to best address for The next room And the whole room stood up, including the director of House in flames. “This award is for Marisa [Paredes, rodamos cinco películas juntos y ahora tienen un valor incalculable”, le dedicó el galardón a . El director no pudo terminar su discurso porque la música que le avisaba de que debía terminar empezó a sonar. “Me están echando, Agustín”, le dijo a su hermano y productor de sus filmes. La película del cineasta manchego también se llevó el premio mejor música original para el compositor Alberto Iglesias.
, de Mar Coll, película sobre los terrores de la maternidad y el desapego de una madre primeriza, consiguió los premios a mejor película dramática y mejor cartel. “Durante mucho tiempo la maternidad ha estado secuestrada por un constructo social que la alejaba de cualquier imperfección. Gracias a novelas como las de Katixa Aguirre, en la que está basada esta película, algunas podemos encontrar respuestas a todos los claroscuros que se confrontan al acontecimiento de crear una vida”, reivindicó Zamora. ganó en las categorías de mejor tráiler y Feroz arrebato de ficción. , se conformó con un premio a Clara Segura como mejor actriz de reparto. La casa y Marco salieron del Pazo da Cultura de Pontevedra con un galardón cada una.
En las categorías dedicadas a las series, Yo, adicto sumó dos galardones a mejor actor protagonista para Oriol Pla y mejor actriz de reparto para Nora Novas. Nos vemos en otra vida consiguió el premio para Pol Pareja en la categoría de mejor actor de reparto y Celeste obtuvo el de mejor serie de comedia.
Brais Lorenzo (EFE)
Tal vez, el verdadero triunfador de la noche fue que subió hasta en tres ocasiones a recoger distintos premios. El público estaba expectante por sus palabras tras Volvió a triunfar la noche del sábado. “Al parecer cuando era crio mi padre no me contaba cuentos para dormir sino para despertar. Una buena historia es capaz de despertar al más dormilón”, comenzó diciendo Sola al recoger el premio por su trabajo en Casa en llamas. “Las ficciones nos conectan a los demás. Son valiosísimos generadores de empatía algo de lo que muy a menudo vamos escasos. Especialmente en las redes sociales es común que la empatía brille por su ausencia. Ante tanto tuit, mucho cine, muchas series, muchos libros y mucho teatro, historia y cultura por doquier. Solo la cultura impedirá la deshumanización que nos acecha. Solo la cultura nos salvará de la barbarie”, concluyó y volvió a recibir los aplausos de sus compañeros. De la Orden también se acordó de él al recibir el premio a mejor película de comedia. “Sin los guionistas no soy nada, pero el cabrón [de Sola] He asked me 200 euros when I asked him to write the speech because he is very uploaded, ”said the director with humor.
The filmmaker and screenwriter Jaime Chávarri received the fierce of honor 2025 from the hand of actress Emma Suárez. “When they give you an award and you are young, they assault you a sea of doubts with what they call the impostor syndrome, but when they give it to you at 81, that syndrome no longer assaults you, you are an impostor,” said the director of The things of love y The disenchantment.
Against sexual violence
The red carpet focused on celebrating this year’s films and series until Ernest Urtasun, Minister of Culture, and last to arrive with Yolanda Díaz, vice president of the Government and head of Labor, recalled that just a year ago, in the same Touring prior to the awards ceremony, announced the creation of in the audiovisual and cultural sector. That office began working last October and Urtasun wanted to remember women in the cultural industry who have it at their service.
It was also a year since the publication in the country of two investigations in which six that caused, among other institutional changes, the creation of this service. And the director, the elephant in the room, was remembered by the Dani, presenter of the act, at the beginning of the ceremony. “I am not that winner of the fierce who touched the glory and is now sunk,” the actor said when he remembered the award he received in the last edition, after which he has resumed his work as a hairdresser in Malaga, away from the filming. “No, that is not me, that is Carlos Vermut,” he added to immediately add: “Quiet, Errejón has not come [silencio]… A breathing has been heard. ”
Of the Errejón case Emma Vilarasau was also agreed to collect his award for best actress protagonist for House in flames. Specifically of Judge Adolfo Carretero. “I wanted to tell him that in my profession, when one makes a painful performance, he is criticized. , that this is freedom of expression, ”said the interpreter about the magistrate’s interrogation to actress Elisa Mouliaá.
It was not the only occasion when there was talk of sexual violence against women at the ceremony. Alauda Ruiz de Azua, director and screenwriter of To wantrecalled that the Movistar+ series “speaks of the difficulty of counting, a reflection of a world in which women do not feel legitimized to denounce sexual violence. If we do not assume that with honesty and radicality we will not be able to change things. ” The production accumulated three awards for the best dramatic series, best leading actress for Nagore Aramburu and better script.
María Guerra, president of the Association of Cinematographic Informators of Spain, recalled that the leading organization is composed of “220 journalists with names and surnames”, who, in her words: “We ask uncomfortable questions such as what happens when there are cases of abuses of abuses of sexual power and abuse. For that means and money are needed. ”