In, it states that “the final key to the way I get things is bravata. I play with people’s fantasies. They don’t always think big, but they can still be very excited about those who think. That’s why one Little of hyperbole is never bad. People want to believe that something is the greatest, the best and the most spectacular. .
Written two decades ago, the book gives us the key to disparaged proposals such as the acquisition of the and resumption of. They are bravado. That they have worked is what deserves our attention. The effectiveness of populist discourse is based on a large measure in the policy of authenticity. Antisystem bravado and “innocent exaggerations” are not concealed; would characterize the authentic ones.
Obviously Trump does not act in an institutional void: on the contrary, he operates in an institutional environment with strong restrictions. But by a combination of circumstances, such restrictions have never been so weak: Trump has majorities in (though by small margin in the Senate). And also in the Supreme Court.
The executive branch in the US is, in comparative terms, unusually weak – algo that escapes the lay public who assists by signing executive orders. The president cannot present law projects (yes, there are no PLS of the Executive Power), nor does it hold an exclusive initiative of budgetary, tax or administrative matters; The budget is globally imposing and the President cannot contingency expenditure without express permission of the Legislative Power (ie, it cannot fail to execute spending); Legislature can increase the global expense of the budget law; And if the budget is not voted, there is the government (the executive proposal or the execution month by month of the previous year as in most countries) is prevailed; etc.
Many of the above restrictions concern the limitations imposed by the legislature. However, the system has other defenses. In two years there will be legislative elections where twists may occur and these majorities disappear. Regulatory agencies are very active and independent. Most importantly: US federalism represents a vertical separation of powers. Many of Trump’s proposals have already been contested by the states and will most likely be overthrown.
But the overthrows don’t matter to the author of “true hyperboles” in series: he really wins losing. The vetoed initiatives, especially the most stapting, signal their authenticity and the “harmful reaction of the system”.
“You know, the saddest thing is that, being the US president, I shouldn’t get involved with the Justice Department. I shouldn’t get involved with the FBI I shouldn’t do the kind of thing I would love to be doing. And that makes me very frustrated. “
Trump is aware of the boundaries, but the bravado and his are his modus operandi and cause great stress in American democracy. The shot can come out by the culateter.
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